Senators accept 6.5% salary increase, Milley denies: “betrayed the Argentine people”

2024-08-20 00:20:00

Senate A new agreement reached on Monday 19 August Increase stipends for state legislators based on Parity splitting 6.5% of national unions into two partsso members of the chamber will earn P9 million per month. at the same time, Javier Milei flatly denies price increasedefining it as a “betrayal” of citizens, Make another “anti-caste” statement Emphasizing the senator’s unwillingness “Give up their privileges and the people suffer the consequences.”

the agency argentina news This information was confirmed in conversations with senior sources in the Senate President, who clarified that the Vice President Victoria Villarreal Disagreement included Senators and Tried to get them “out of growth” but failed.

The first batch of 3.5% interest rate hikes will be retroactive to July 1, and the remaining 3% will be based on August 1.

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“This was a joint raise for the entire Congress. We waited 20 days to sign it. We didn’t want to sign a raise for all congressional employees.” We ask senators not to participate in raising rates. they told us no”, said a source from the House of Lords speaking to the agency.

In turn, they explain, strong pressure not only from the unions but also from the House of Representatives authorities, In particular, Martin Menem, the institution’s presidentso that the Senate signs off on the increase by marking a line Salary restructuring across Congress.

“That’s why we only signed today, because the representatives asked us to sign”they insist.

Senate. Photo: NA Agency

It was later clarified, according to a source close to Villaruel, that “this is the same increase offered by the executive branch and that despite the clarification provided by the senators, they were asked to disengage but they refused”.

The resolution was signed by Senate authorities, including Administrative Secretary María Laura Izzo and Assembly Secretary Agustín Giustinian; by Representatives, Administrative Secretary Laura Oriolo and Assembly Secretary Diego Molina Gómez (Diego Molina Gómez) and the union sector.

The resolution was also signed by Norberto Di Prospero and Fabián Zacardi from the Association of Legislative Personnel (APL); Claudio Britos from ATE and Martín Roig from UPCN.

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‘Betrayal’: Milley reacts to recent Senate allowance increase

Javier Mire Twitter 20240819 Picture: X/@JMilei

President Javier Milei expressed his anger after learning that senators would start collecting 9 million pesos per month under the approved increase, a situation the national leader publicly denied on his network .

The president described the decision as a “betrayal against the Argentine people” and recalled that the executive branch has had “salary freezes since December 10, since he took office”.

“Since December 10, salaries in the executive branch have been frozen. There has been no salary increase for ministers, ministers or deputy ministers. I have not received a salary increase and I have given up the privilege of retirement. Why? Because this government understands that this Effort must be created by politics, not by working people who pay taxes,” Milley commented on his X account (formerly Twitter).

Likewise, he added: “I condemn in the strongest possible terms the disgraceful pay raise that just occurred in the Senate.

“They recently raised their salaries to 7 million pesos, but that doesn’t seem to be enough: today they raised them to 9 million pesos,” Mire continued.

“Who gets paid $9 a month? No one. As millions of our countrymen struggle to navigate the aftermath of the economic disaster caused by Sergio Massa, the Senate should sympathize with Argentines, not make fun of them with monthly salary increases “They don’t seem to understand that the wages they receive come from taxes paid by all Argentines,” he attacked.

He added: “Charging 9 million pesos in this case is not just a travesty, it is a betrayal of working people. Once again the political class refuses to give up its privileges while the people suffer the consequences. I deny every cause This waste of signatures benefits politicians and goes against Argentines.”

“I don’t know who is responsible for this ridicule, but when people make their voices heard through voting, those who support these abuses of workers will suffer the consequences at the polls,” he concluded.

In another tweet, Milley took aim at activist Martín Lousteau, who complained during the last rate hike that lawmakers in the upper house raised their hands to approve that “senators’ incomes cannot match those of bank tellers” members are the same.”

“Question: Does the head of state claim that bank tellers can make that much money, or are we dealing with a giant hypocritical charlatan?”

The previous increase in the number of seats in the Senate and the legitimate reasons for the ruling party

Guillermo Francos confirms internship between Javier Mire and Victoria Villaruel. Victoria Villarreal and Javier Millay.

A few months ago, senators agreed to raise interest rates again (120%), which created “noise” in the government due to the fragile economic situation and the recurring liberal story of “no money”.

On that occasion, Javier Miley Defending his political space in his official speech, 2025 will be a historic blow…”

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Vice President Villarruel has also tried to distance herself from the issue (although in a report with Jonatan Viale a few months ago, she admitted to agreeing to add facilities).

“Today, senators from every neighborhood agreed to a salary increase on the House floor by a show of hands vote because they had the votes needed to do so. As President of the Senate, I am not a senator and I did not receive a vote from the Senate compensation, I cannot interfere with these decisions,” the vice president wrote.

In order to defend the ruling party’s statement, the Senate President insisted that “what happened in the Senate is completely legal and I have no means to stop it.”


#Senators #accept #salary #increase #Milley #denies #betrayed #Argentine #people



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