Semantic memory: definition, role, and how it is related to dementia?

2024-08-28 11:04:20

Semantic memory can store knowledge, concepts and words for a long time. It is the memory we use when we study and practice.

Definition: What is semantic memory?

this semantic memory Be a member of the following families memory for long-term storage of information (We are talking about long-term memory).

semantic memory accumulation All common sense about the world and yourself. It can also be retained for a long time personal concept That Words and their meanings. She is at the originassociation : For example: the word “table” is associated with the word “furniture”, or the word “socks” is associated with the term “leg”.

Semantic memory can therefore record tens of thousands of data. It represents the most abstract memory system because it has nothing to do with perception or experience. For example: Semantic memory allows us to remember that the French Revolution began in 1789, even if we weren’t there at the time.

Semantic memory stimulation prefrontal cortex and Temporal lobe.

What is the role of semantic memory?

Semantic memory is a type of long-term memory. Knowledge can be preserved for years, sometimes even a lifetime. But before information is stored in semantic memory, it must first pass through two other levels of memory:

first is sensory memory (This is perception, considering information through images or sounds); then short term memory (This allows a limited amount of information to be retained for a short period of time).

Once past these two stages, the information can be recorded in long-term memory, which includes semantic memory.

Remember words and concepts for a long time

Semantic memory is one of the Declarative (or explicit) type of long-term memory in the same way episodic memory. It allows you to remember single words or concepts for a long time, while episodic memory allows you to remember events and personal experiences. on the other hand, Non-declarative or implicit long-term memory Storage Emotional Skills and Regulation (emotional memory) allows automation (program memory).

Semantic, procedural, situational: What are the different types of memory?


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What is Semantic Memory Disorder?

Semantic memory remains stable throughout life, except in certain contexts. neurodegenerative diseases.

Semantic memory is sometimes damaged by certain factors head injury When the frontal or temporal cortex is affected. However, it is rare that only semantic memory is affected in this case. In general, other types of memory, such as episodic and/or procedural memory, are also affected. Dr. Donia Majoub, neurologist.

Semantic memory and aging

this Semantic memory decline Far from systematic aging (Even though older people often have a harder time finding their own language). However, certain neurodegenerative diseases can impair memory. Semantic disorders are rare in early childhood.

Semantic memory and frontotemporal dementia

this semantic dementia is a form Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) This is caused by atrophy of the temporal cortex and frontal lobes. patient finds himself Unable to remember the names of objects or Identify a person’s identity yet familiar (Anomie). they also have difficulty reading and writing (dyslexia) and behavioral disorders.

Semantic memory and Alzheimer’s disease

suffering fromAlzheimer’s diseasesemantic memory gradually deteriorates. This can make it increasingly difficult to find words, name people, objects, places, etc.

How to test/assess semantic memory?

“Tests of naming images, objects, tests of matching between two representations of the same concept, all these tests can lead to semantic memory deficits in multiple modalities (visual, auditory, verbal…)”, according to Dorney According to Donia Mahjoub, neurologist.

A test used to assess whether a person has semantic memory impairment asks them to make an association between two items. For example, ask what oranges and bananas have in common. If after a few minutes of reflection he can’t find any common ground, it’s because he may have a semantic memory disorder.

How to exercise your semantic memory?

fall Optimize semantic memory and general memory,"strengthen your brain”. Various exercises can keep you smart:

This is first the case speech Very simple, but also study. It is crucial to keep recording new information every day in your professional, social life, and even cultural encounters. Dr. Donia Mahjoub, neurologist.

a simple Outing with friends able Stimulate your brain through discussion.

Other activities can help strengthen your memory, such as Board, strategy or logic game, learn a poem Or a song.

“In addition, a Healthy and balanced Mediterranean dietand good sleep pattern and a daily physical activity Also all Keys to a Healthy Brain”, experts emphasized. This Omega 3 Fatty acids contained in virgin oils, fatty fish and oil seeds are particularly recommended. About 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night appears to be crucial for optimizing memory and cognitive performance.

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