Self-employed for tax: They even consider closing the books

The self-employed are anxiously awaiting the final form of the tax bill – the announcement of which has already provoked a strong reaction from scientific and professional bodies.

Based on the announcements that have been made, the presumptive way of taxing the incomes of around 735,000 sole proprietorships will apply to the incomes of 2023. The new system will have a taxable base of €10,920, but this will apply to those who have completed six years in the profession (beginning in 2017). If they first started later, for the first five years it will be less or zero, while if they have seven or more (start before 2016) the minimum presumptive income increases to 12,012-14,196 euros per year.

Four out of five professionals who declared that they earn less than 9,000 euros per year from their profession are the losers. This is because they will be asked to pay up to 939 euros in additional income tax. While they will also lose some social welfare benefits.
The first mobilizations were already announced by the scientists and freelancers who complain that the government is using anachronistic, unfair and leveling methods to fight tax evasion and is transferring the “Katrougalou logic” from the insurance to the tax field.
In this context, lawyers, scientists and freelancers form a united front and on November 22nd they “shut down” the country with a protest rally that will take place outside the Ministry of Finance, alongside a nationwide abstention from their duties.

A similar front is also forming in Patras, after the meeting that took place last Wednesday at the offices of the Bar Association, in which representatives from the Medical Association of Patras, the TEE of Western Greece, the Notarial Association of Achaia and Western Greece, the Economic Chamber, the Chamber Achaia, the Veterinary Association, OEVESNA, OEESP, the Trade and Import Association of Patras, the Association of Accountants and Tax Technicians of the Province of Achaia, the Taxi Association of Patras and its surroundings, SKEANA, VATT and the Patras Bakers Guild.

The agencies expressed their opposition to the horizontal measure of presumptive taxation and emphasized that its obligations will lead the small and medium-sized professional and scientist to despair and forced exit from the profession, with disastrous consequences for their professional, family and social life.

Tax experts report that professionals are already thinking of closing the books and changing the activity or legal form of their individual business, as they have low incomes and the amounts they declare to the tax office are below the limit set by the financial staff.

#Selfemployed #tax #closing #books



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