Self-Care for Healthy Aging: Tips and Strategies for Maintaining Well-being

2023-07-30 03:00:00

Having good health and well-being is the maxim that everyone seeks in their life. The key to achieving this is self-care. This refers to all those actions and decisions we make to take care of our physical, mental and emotional health. It includes a wide range of activities that we can carry out regularly to keep us healthy and prevent disease.

According to a study on active aging by CaixaBank, 48% of Spaniards over 60 consider themselves an active person, although 72% believe that they would like to be even more so. And, it is that, self-care and physical and mental activity are essential to achieve personal well-being. In this context, the International Self-Care Day arises, which It is celebrated every year on July 24 and aims to promote the importance of self-care to maintain and improve personal health and well-being.

It is essential to reflect on our self-care practices and look for ways to improve our health and well-being. “He self-care is an individual and personalized process, since each person may have different needs and approaches on their way to well-being. What is well-being for one may not be for others, which is why it is important to listen to oneself and know how we are”, explain sources of Deusto Health.

As we age, self-care becomes even more important to maintain a good quality of life and promote healthy aging. Some specific aspects of self-care for the elderly include:

Keep the body active and healthy. Seniors can benefit from physical self-care by adopting healthy habits, such as eating a balanced diet, staying physically active, doing strengthening and flexibility exercises, and taking medicines as prescribed.

Take care of emotional well-being. Emotional self-care is essential for older people. This involves taking care of mental health, managing stress, seeking emotional support, maintaining social relationships and participating in pleasurable activities that promote emotional well-being.

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Prevent and control diseases. Older people should pay special attention to the prevention and control of chronic diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension or heart disease. This may include taking medication

Make the home a safe haven. For older people, ensuring a safe environment at home is essential. This may involve taking steps to prevent falls, such as installing handrails, improving lighting, and removing potential obstacles.

Promote personal independence. Promoting autonomy and personal self-care is important for older people. This may include activities such as taking care of personal hygiene, dressing appropriately, maintaining oral health, and performing activities of daily living independently to the extent possible.

“For the elderly, self-care becomes even more relevant to maintain a good quality of life, prevent diseases and promote healthy aging”, they add from Deusto Health.


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