Selected for HIROSHIMA UNICORN10 Seed Company Course! Creating new added value through DX for small and medium-sized manufacturing companies | Press release from TD Holdings Corporation

TD Holdings Corporation (Headquarters: Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture; Representative Director: Hiroaki Kuwahara) is excited to announce its selection for the “HIROSHIMA UNICORN10 STARTUP ACCELERATION 2024” program, which is managed by Plug and Play Japan Co., Ltd. and Wantedly Inc.


HIROSHIMA UNICORN10 is an initiative initiated in March 2022 with the goal of establishing ten high-value, rapidly growing companies in Hiroshima that can rival unicorns over the next decade.

This project is a startup support initiative backed by Hiroshima Prefecture, aimed at fostering world-class startup companies from Hiroshima and widely aiding those who aspire to grow rapidly and expand from Hiroshima to the global stage.

This time, TD Holdings’ vision of “Creating new added value for small and medium-sized manufacturing companies through DX” was selected out of the largest number of applications ever, as it resonated with many.

Being selected will allow us to receive a range of support tailored to the stage of our business within the seed company program. Specific offerings include refining business plans, mentoring, and participation in pitch events.

Throughout the program, participants will also have the chance to network with businesses and VCs both within and outside Hiroshima Prefecture. At the program’s conclusion, a presentation event will be held, inviting major companies and startup supporters from both inside and outside the prefecture. Participating firms will have the opportunity to pitch and showcase their results and business endeavors, with the intention of expanding their operations globally.

With this selection as a catalyst, TD Holdings Corporation is committed to further contributing to small and medium-sized manufacturing companies and enhancing its impact on the economy and industry of Hiroshima Prefecture, all while aiming for continued business growth and expansion. Through this program, we also plan to foster collaboration and knowledge sharing among other participating companies, thus contributing to the emergence of new innovations from Hiroshima.

About Plug and Play Japan

Plug and Play Japan is among the world’s foremost accelerators and venture capital firms. As an innovation platform that originated in Silicon Valley, it currently boasts over 40 prominent companies and organizations as partners in various industries. Its strengths lie in “innovation support for large corporations,” “cross-industry accelerator programs,” “startup investments,” and “assistance for startups’ international expansion in collaboration with local governments,” leveraging its extensive global network to enable co-creation between startups with innovative technologies and ideas and major corporations.

Plug and Play Japan HP:

Plug and Play Japan Company Profile

Company Name: Plug and Play Japan Co., Ltd.

Address: 3F Shibuya Center Place, 1-16-3 Dogenzaka, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0043

Representative: Vincent Philip, President and CEO


About Wantedly

“By placing the right people in the right positions, we can increase the number of individuals who are passionate about their work.” Wantedly provides the business social networking service “Wantedly,” which facilitates the optimal placement of people, allowing everyone to immerse themselves in their work, achieve outcomes, and experience a sense of growth as a result. Since its official launch in February 2012, the number of registered companies has surpassed 40,000, with individual users exceeding 4 million.

In September 2021, we also launched the “Engagement Suite,” a collection of services designed to enhance employee retention and efficiency.

Wantedly strives to achieve its ultimate objective of placing the right person in the right role and, by promoting engagement initiatives that support employee retention and success post-hire, aims to become “the infrastructure for all working individuals.”

Wantedly Company Overview

Company Name: Wantedly Inc.

Head Office Location: MG Shirokanedai Building 4F, 5-12-7 Shirokanedai, Minato-ku, Tokyo

Representative Director: Akiko Naka


TD Holdings Corporation (Toyo Denso Group)

TD Holdings Corporation (Toyo Denso Group)

Public Relations Officer: Noriko Masaki
Phone number: 082-831-2311

TD Holdings Corporation Announcement

TD Holdings Corporation (Headquarters: Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture; Representative Director: Hiroaki Kuwahara) is pleased to announce that it has been selected for the “HIROSHIMA UNICORN10 STARTUP ACCELERATION 2024” program, which is organized by Plug and Play Japan Co., Ltd. and Wantedly Inc.

Background: The HIROSHIMA UNICORN10 Initiative

The HIROSHIMA UNICORN10 project, launched in March 2022, aims to create ten high-value, rapidly growing companies comparable to unicorn companies in the Hiroshima region over the next decade. This startup support initiative is sponsored by Hiroshima Prefecture, focusing on nurturing world-class startup companies that aspire to grow quickly and establish a global presence from Hiroshima.

Competing against a record number of applicants, TD Holdings was selected for its compelling vision: “Creating new added value for small and medium-sized manufacturing companies through Digital Transformation (DX)”. This vision resonated deeply with the selection committee, highlighting the importance of innovative solutions for industrial growth.

Support Offered Through the Program

As part of the HIROSHIMA UNICORN10 program, TD Holdings will receive extensive support tailored to the company’s developmental stage in the seed company course. Specific benefits include:

  • Brushing up business plans to align with market needs
  • Mentorship from industry experts
  • Participation in pitch events to showcase business potential

Additionally, participants will have the opportunity to network with business leaders and venture capitalists both in Hiroshima and beyond. At the program’s conclusion, a presentation event will invite major corporations and startup supporters to witness pitches from participating companies. This presentation aims to facilitate business growth on a global scale.

Goals for TD Holdings Corporation

With this selection as a catalyst, TD Holdings Corporation is committed to contributing significantly to small and medium-sized manufacturing companies in Hiroshima. The company aims to enhance its role in strengthening the economy and industry of Hiroshima Prefecture, focusing on:

  • Further business expansion and growth
  • Promoting collaboration and knowledge sharing with fellow startup participants
  • Driving innovation directly from Hiroshima to the world

Networking Opportunities

Throughout the program duration, TD Holdings will engage with diverse companies and VCs, enabling valuable partnerships and collaborative efforts that contribute to the startup ecosystem in Hiroshima. This collaborative approach not only fosters innovation but also creates avenues for sharing best practices among startups.

About Plug and Play Japan

Plug and Play Japan stands as one of the world’s leading accelerators and venture capital firms. Originating from Silicon Valley, Plug and Play Japan brings together over 40 partner companies and organizations from various sectors. Key services and strengths include:

  • Innovation support for major companies
  • Cross-industry accelerator programs
  • Startup investment
  • Support for startups’ overseas expansion in collaboration with local governments

Plug and Play Japan aims to facilitate co-creation between startups with innovative technologies and ideas and large companies, leveraging its extensive global network.

For more information, visit .

Plug and Play Japan Company Profile

Company Name Plug and Play Japan Co., Ltd.
Address 3F Shibuya Center Place, 1-16-3 Dogenzaka, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0043
Representative Vincent Philip, President and CEO
Website Visit Here

About Wantedly

Wantedly, Inc. aims to match the right individuals with the right job opportunities, thereby fostering a work environment where employees are passionate and engaged. Since its official launch in February 2012, Wantedly has witnessed:

  • Over 40,000 registered companies
  • More than 4 million individual users

In 2021, Wantedly expanded its offerings with the Engagement Suite, which promotes employee retention and enhances productivity. Their ultimate goal is to create an infrastructure that supports all working individuals, ensuring that the right people find their ideal roles.

Wantedly Company Overview

Company Name Wantedly Inc.
Head Office Location MG Shirokanedai Building 4F, 5-12-7 Shirokanedai, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Representative Director Akiko Naka
Website Visit Here

Benefits of Joining the HIROSHIMA UNICORN10 Program

Participating in the HIROSHIMA UNICORN10 program can provide startups with numerous benefits, including:

  • Tailored Business Support: Individualized coaching and mentoring sessions facilitate faster growth.
  • Marketing Visibility: Presenting to potential investors and clients enhances brand recognition.
  • Networking Opportunities: Access to a broad network of industry leaders and resources.
  • Innovation Encouragement: Collaboration with other innovative startups leads to unique business solutions.

Expected Outcomes of the Program

The HIROSHIMA UNICORN10 program aims not only to foster the growth of selected companies like TD Holdings but also to influence the broader business landscape in Hiroshima. Key expectations include:

  • Increased number of sustainable startups emerging from the region.
  • Enhanced economic growth and job creation in Hiroshima Prefecture.
  • Long-term partnerships between startups and established businesses, facilitating shared success.



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