Seize Your Future: Participate in Our Complimentary Webinars for International Scholarship Applications!

Asuncion, IP Agency.- The BecasPy alumni organization is launching the fourth edition of its Webinar Series, which will take place on Saturdays 14, 21 and 28 September 2024 at 2:00 p.m., through the Zoom platform, with meetings of approximately two hours each. It will focus on scholarships for language studies, exchanges, undergraduate degrees, master’s degrees and doctorates abroad.

It has the support of the Embassy of the United States of America in Paraguay, the Embassy of Taiwan in Paraguay, the National Program of Postgraduate Scholarships Abroad “Don Carlos Antonio López” (BECAL), Chevening Alumni Paraguay, Fulbright Paraguay, APPG US Alumni, EducationUSA, Youth Council, Erasmus Mundus Alumni Paraguay, Paraguayan Association of Former Scholarship Students from Taiwan, National University of Asunción and former scholarship students from the Carolina Foundation, among others.

The objective is to publicize and promote the opportunities available for young Paraguayans to train abroad.

Interested parties can register, free of charge, at:

The BecasPy Webinar Series is aimed at the general public and all Paraguayans who intend to apply for scholarships abroad and/or wish to learn more about the application processes.

The program has two types of talks, one of which is related to language scholarships, exchanges, undergraduate, master’s and doctoral degrees, where scholarship holders and former scholarship holders from the United Kingdom, the United States, Spain, Taiwan, Japan, Turkey and other countries will share their experiences and the requirements for applying.

Alumni and associations come together to provide all the details and their own experiences on a variety of scholarships.

During special talks, fellows and former fellows will discuss topics related to what volunteering is and why it matters when applying; how to choose a program that aligns with your experience, academic background and future aspirations; as well as how to manage your finances while preparing your application and when studying abroad.

BecasPy is made up of volunteers from a program that promotes access to scholarship opportunities for young people from all over the country and socioeconomic profiles.

Those interested in interviews can contact Lía Barrios, Communications Coordinator of BecasPy, at +595 985 220 799; Facebook: BecasPy; Instagram: @becasparaguay and Twitter (X): @BecasPy

#interested #participating #free #webinars #apply #scholarships #invited
2024-09-12 21:17:57

Here are some People Also ‍Ask (PAA) related questions for the title: **BecasPy: Unlocking Opportunities for Paraguayans to ​Study Abroad**:

BecasPy: Unlocking ⁢Opportunities for Paraguayans to Study Abroad

Are you a⁤ Paraguayan student or young ‌professional looking ​to pursue higher education or language studies abroad? Look no further than BecasPy, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting ⁣and ⁤facilitating scholarships for Paraguayans to⁤ study abroad.

What is BecasPy?

BecasPy is an alumni organization that aims to provide opportunities for young Paraguayans to​ develop ⁢their skills and knowledge ‌abroad. The organization is supported by⁢ various embassies, universities, and organizations, including the ⁢Embassy of the United States of America in Paraguay,‌ the Embassy of Taiwan in Paraguay, and the National Program of Postgraduate Scholarships⁣ Abroad “Don ⁢Carlos Antonio López” ‌(BECAL), among others.

The BecasPy Webinar Series

BecasPy is launching its fourth edition of the Webinar Series, taking place on Saturdays 14, 21, and 28 September 2024 at 2:00 p.m. through the Zoom platform. The webinar series is ​free and ⁣open to the general public, and is aimed‌ at Paraguayans who intend to apply for scholarships abroad or‍ wish​ to ‍learn more about the application processes.

The program ⁣consists of two types⁢ of ​talks:

  1. Language scholarships, exchanges, undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral degrees: Scholarship holders and former scholarship holders from the United ⁢Kingdom, ⁢the United States, Spain, Taiwan, Japan, Turkey, and other countries will share their experiences and the requirements for applying.
  2. Special talks: Fellows and former fellows will discuss topics related to volunteering, choosing a program that aligns with your experience, academic background, and future aspirations, ‍and more.

BecasPy’s Objective

The objective of ⁤BecasPy is to publicize and promote opportunities available for young Paraguayans to train abroad. By providing a platform for scholarship holders ‍and former scholarship holders to share their experiences and insights, BecasPy aims to empower Paraguayans ​to pursue their academic and professional⁣ goals ‍abroad.

Registration and Support

Interested‌ parties can register for the webinar series free of charge⁢ at <a href="”> ​BecasPy is supported by ⁢various organizations, including the Embassy of the United ⁢States of America in Paraguay, the Embassy of Taiwan in Paraguay, and the National Program of Postgraduate Scholarships Abroad “Don Carlos ​Antonio López” (BECAL), among others.

Past Events and‍ Achievements

BecasPy has a⁤ history‌ of hosting successful events ⁣and webinars, including the “Webinar Series: Seminarios virtuales‌ para aplicar a becas en⁣ el extranjero” in 2020 [[1]]⁣and the “BecasPy Mentorías⁢ BECAL · Q&A ⁤Becarios Fulbright ‍- 2da Edición · AplicaPy – ⁣BecasPy Webinar Series 2022” [[2]]. In ⁢2022, BecasPy launched its webinar series, which covered ⁢various topics related to scholarships and ​studying abroad [[3]].


BecasPy is a valuable resource for Paraguayans looking to pursue higher education or language studies abroad. By providing a platform for scholarship holders ‌and former scholarship holders to share their experiences and insights, BecasPy ‍aims to empower ​Paraguayans to pursue their academic and professional goals abroad. Register for the ⁤webinar series today and take the first step towards unlocking opportunities for⁣ yourself!

Here are some PAA (People Also Ask) related questions for the title **”BecasPy: Unlocking Opportunities for Young Paraguayans to Study Abroad”**:

BecasPy: Unlocking Opportunities for Young Paraguayans to Study Abroad

Are you a young Paraguayan looking to pursue higher education abroad? Look no further than BecasPy, an organization dedicated to promoting access to scholarship opportunities for young people from all over the country. With the support of various embassies, universities, and alumni associations, BecasPy is launching the fourth edition of its Webinar Series, which will take place on Saturdays 14, 21, and 28 September 2024.

Objective: Promoting Opportunities for Young Paraguayans

The objective of the BecasPy Webinar Series is to publicize and promote the opportunities available for young Paraguayans to train abroad. The program is aimed at the general public and all Paraguayans who intend to apply for scholarships abroad and/or wish to learn more about the application processes.

Registration and Support

Interested parties can register, free of charge, at: <>. The webinar series has the support of numerous organizations, including the Embassy of the United States of America in Paraguay, the Embassy of Taiwan in Paraguay, the National Program of Postgraduate Scholarships Abroad “Don Carlos Antonio López” (BECAL), Chevening Alumni Paraguay, Fulbright Paraguay, APPG US Alumni, EducationUSA, Youth Council, Erasmus Mundus Alumni Paraguay, Paraguayan Association of Former Scholarship Students from Taiwan, National University of Asunción, and former scholarship students from the Carolina Foundation, among others.

Webinar Series Program

The program has two types of talks, one of which is related to language scholarships, exchanges, undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral degrees, where scholarship holders and former scholarship holders from the United Kingdom, the United States, Spain, Taiwan, Japan, Turkey, and other countries will share their experiences and the requirements for applying. Alumni and associations will come together to provide all the details and their own experiences on a variety of scholarships.

Special Talks and Topics

During special talks, fellows and former fellows will discuss topics related to what volunteering is and why it matters when applying; how to choose a program that aligns with your experience, academic background, and future aspirations; as well as how to manage your finances while preparing your application and when studying abroad.

Social Media Presence

BecasPy is also active on social media platforms, including Instagram [[1]], Facebook [[2]], and Twitter [[3]], where they share updates, tips, and experiences related to scholarships and studying abroad.

BecasPy is a valuable resource for young Paraguayans looking to pursue higher education abroad. With its Webinar Series and social media presence, BecasPy provides a platform for scholarship holders and former scholarship holders to share their experiences and insights, promoting access to scholarship opportunities for young people from all over the country.


<a href="”>[[1]]





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