Seider loses with Detroit – Florida secures first place in the east

The Florida Panthers secured first place in the NHL’s Eastern Conference by beating the Detroit Red Wings with Thomas Greiss and Moritz Seider.

Now certainly first in the East: The Florida Panthers.

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The German national player Moritz Seider has had to accept another setback in the NHL. The 21-year-old lost with the Detroit Red Wings against title candidate Florida Panthers 2:5 despite an initial lead, it was the third bankruptcy in the past four games.

While his German teammate Thomas Greiss was not used, Seider received the second most ice time in his team with 21:39 minutes. However, the defender was not involved in a goal, so before the last four games of the main round he still has 48 points.

Detroit is already out of the playoff race and will miss the knockout stages for the sixth straight year. The traditional team had previously made the play-offs from 1991 to 2015. The Panthers, for their part, secured first place in the Eastern Conference ahead of time and thus secured home field advantage for the playoffs.

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