SEEG explanations –

SEEG explanations –

For several days now, Greater Libreville has been facing disruptions in electricity supply. These are the result of the unavailability of certain production groups at the Owendo and Tchimbélé power plants.

Added to this is the drop in the water retention of the Kinguélé-Tchimbélé hydroelectric dams, which reach very low values ​​during this dry season, increasingly limiting the operation of the groups to their full capacity.

In order to avoid a total collapse of the interconnected network, SEEG is required to carry out rotating load shedding, the duration of which may vary depending on the situation in real time.

However, urgent measures are being taken to get out of this situation. In the immediate future, repair work on equipment currently shut down is being carried out at a sustained pace.

At the same time, a floating power station will soon be installed to strengthen the electricity supply to Libreville and its surrounding areas. It will help stabilize the network and thus guarantee an acceptable quality of service.

SEEG, aware of the situation currently prevailing in Greater Libreville, renews its regrets to the affected customers. Permanent monitoring is carried out by the crisis committee set up for this purpose.

For any additional information, The SEEG Customer Service Center can be reached at 011 76 73 73.

Division Principale Communication Contact Media : 011767919 Facebook : @SEEG01

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Source : Com SEEG

2024-08-19 15:08:51
#SEEG #explanations

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