See which parent biotech company Mr Google Maps invested in – 2024-05-03 08:30:35

There is no person in the year 2024 who uses the internet and mobile devices and does not know what Google Maps is. The popular mapping service is an integral application on computers, mobile phones and tablets and its creator is the Danish entrepreneur Lars Rasmussen.

He is considered one of the most successful software engineers in the world and in recent years following his enormous success, he is now an angel investor, i.e. a founder and investor in technology companies and for the last three years or so, he declares himself a permanent resident of Greece, as he is married to the Greek woman Elomida Visviki, also a man of technology and entrepreneur.

In fact, Lars Rasmussen also invests in start-ups in Greece and one of them is ResQ Biotech, a biotechnology company – an offshoot of the National Research Foundation (NRF) founded in 2019 in the Patras Science Park.

Lars Rasmussen invested over 200,000 euros in ResQ Biotech, founded by Mr. Giorgos Skretas, entering the company’s share capital with a percentage of 2.53%.

The company applies innovative biotechnological approaches to the discovery and preclinical development of drugs once morest protein misfolding diseases. These are diseases caused by certain proteins in our body misfolding, such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease, ALS, cystic fibrosis and systemic amyloidosis.

ResQ Biotech’s technology platform is based on modified bacteria that act as an autonomous, living platform for the discovery of “leader” compounds with potential therapeutic properties once morest a range of protein folding disorders. The first drug-potential molecules that ResQ Biotech is currently developing are small cyclic peptides that target ALS.

Las Rasmussen’s investment is the second private financing in a company, following that of “Blue Dome Capital” in 2022. The scientific co-founder of the company, Giorgos Skretas, director of the Bioinnovation Institute of the Research Center for Biomedical Sciences “Alexander Fleming” and collaborating researcher of the Institute of Chemical Biology at HEI, states that “Lars Rasmussen is a prominent figure in global innovation whose work has positively impacted the daily lives of billions of people. It is a huge source of inspiration for us. It is a great pleasure and honor for ResQ Biotech to believe in our team and our vision. Our company’s goal is to contribute to improving the lives of patients through the discovery of new treatments. Working with him makes us even stronger and gives us optimism that hard teamwork aimed at harnessing the enormous potential of biotechnology can yield – in the relatively near future – solutions to these enormous health and societal challenges. ».

In 2020 the scientific journal Nature selected “ResQ Biotech” among spin-off companies from all over the world in the context of the innovation competition “The Spinoff Prize 2020”. In addition, the company was the winner of the innovative entrepreneurship competitions “MIT Enterprise Forum Greece 2020” and “MIT Global startup Workshop 2023”.

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Patrinos Aris Spiliotopoulos is in the communication staff of SYRIZA

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