see where the new wells are on the interactive map

2023-05-03 03:30:00

The first quarter of the year closed with an increase of almost 40% year-on-year in the commissioning of new wells in Vaca Muerta and the best record to date was consolidated. Both segments grew, although oil stands out. Look where are the last wells that connected the companies on the interactive map of RÍO NEGRO.

In March, 25 wells of shale in dead cow, while in the same month of 2022 there had been 23 (see below). If the cumulative of the first quarter of 2023 is taken into account, oil companies connected 74 wellswhich boosted the registration of the period of analysis by 39.62% year-on-year.

The data is official from the National Energy Secretariat and the Neuquén Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources. Information from the Economía y Energía consultancy led by Nicolás Arceo was also used.

exclusive shale oil wells began to produce in the first quarter of the year in Vaca Muerta.

Of the wells that the operators connected in the quarter, 54 were in the oil segment and the remaining 20 in gas fields. The operators that added wells in the quarter were 10: YPF, Vista, Shell, Pluspetrol, Pampa Energía, Tecpetrol, ExxonMobil Pan American Energy, TotalEnergies and Capex.

The flag oil company connected 28; View 11; Tecpetrol 7; Pan American Energy, Shell and Pluspetrol 6 each; Pampa Energía, ExxonMobil and Total 3 in each case and, finally, Capex-Capsa with 1.

The new wells added by Vaca Muerta

The one that connected the most wells in the third month of the year was Miguel Galuccio’s oil company in Vaca Muerta, View. The firm put 6 wells on production in two of its blocks in the formation.

The novelty is that during the month it did not add any wells in its main area, which is Bajada del Palo Oeste, but rather, it put 4 into production in Aguada Federal (part of its nucleus of shale) and another 2 in Águila Mora, a block to the north of the formation, near Rincón de los Sauces, which is still under exploration.

In second place was the flag oil company YPF, that connected 5 wells in the month and all were in Loma Campana, this is the block that operates in partnership with Chevron and that leads the ranking of crude oil production.

There are three companies that connected 3 wells each in March and they are Tecpetrol, Pan American Energy and Pluspetrol. They did so in the Fortín de Piedra, Lidero Atravesado and La Calera areas, respectively.

Then followed ExxonMobil and TotalEnergies, which released 2 wells each. in the Bajo del Choique – La Invernada and Aguada Pichana Este blocks, in each case. In last place was Capex – Capsa, which started producing an oil well in Agua del Cajón.

Of the 25 wells that were connected in March, 17 were for oil and the remaining 8 for gas, which came from Pluspetrol, Tecpetrol and TotalEnergies.

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