See what Tereza Pergner’s daughter looks like. She is a beautiful young woman. You will recognize her at first sight!

External author 2/9/2024 clock 3 minutes gallery

For the mother of two, Tereza Pergnerová, family has always been and is in the first place. Since she herself once had problems with addictive substances, it is not surprising that she is even more protective of her two children. He knows very well the dangers of the world. What is she like as a mother and what shocking thing did her own daughter say about her?

The popular presenter recently went through a big life change. Her two children left their mother and Pergnerova so he and his partner were, to a certain extent, literally orphans. Elder son Samuelwhich Tereza has with her former partner František Vomáčkawent abroad on an experience.

“He went abroad to work. He studied cookery, then did two years of training in the field of business, so now he went into professional operation for the first time,” Tereza Pergnerová revealed for the website Prima Women and adds that the promised land is supposed to be Switzerland, where he works in a large hotel.

The son went abroad, the daughter to Prague for a boarding school

It’s hard for any mother when her baby flies out of the nest, but Pergner says she definitely doesn’t feel homesick. She realizes that it is important for Samuel and that her son will gain important life experiences abroad.

“It’s different for me because Sam and I are absolutely connected. He is my mirror, I am his mirror, and knowing that it was his decision, I am glad that he made the decision. When I talk to him, I can see that his smile is relaxed, that he is glad that he wanted it. So he got what he wanted. And I keep my fingers crossed for him,” supplies.

Until recently, however, she could seek comfort from her second offspring, her daughter Nathalie. However, even she no longer lives with her mother, she moved to a boarding school for her studies.

“She was really looking forward to going to Prague because she doesn’t remember how we lived in Prague because she was tiny. She was drawn to Prague, they accepted her to school, so a boarding school was an obvious choice,” stated Pergnerová in an interview for

The difficult period of puberty

Nathália is currently in a period of difficult adolescence, so the question arises as to how her daughter Tereza manages this entire stage of life, which we would all like to later erase from our lives.

“I have a tremendous overview, I think that this is my life’s victory, because when Nathálka aims, she aims precisely,” revealed how she copes with her daughter’s puberty.

“I’m really the stricter, the consistent one, it lasts. Even though Natálka is now a teenager, it doesn’t mean much, she doesn’t make too much of it, but I still remain in that figure. And my husband is so kind, you can get drunk on a roll, you can chat. Well, of course, she’s his little girl. And she knows all the tools and all the weapons for him,” the presenter described how things are at their home when Nathália is present and not spending time in Prague at the boarding school.

You look like a sixteen year old from behind

However, despite all the pubertal outbursts, Nathálie is able to positively surprise her mother, at the least expected time.

“My daughter said to me today: ‘You look like a 16-year-old from behind like that.’ Hopefully no one will be angry if I adjust my back especially from today on.” she joked on her Instagram after an unconventional compliment from her beloved daughter.




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