See, Easter 2023 TODAY LIVE: which roads are restricted, ticket prices, activities, vehicular traffic and more news on Good Thursday and Good Friday | holidays | Society

If you are thinking of traveling Easterhere we put you which are the cheapest destinations.

Mercury: The places with the lowest cost to go during Holy Week through this company are Arequipa, Camaná, Mollendo, Moquegua, Nazca, Tacna, Abancay, Chiclayo and Cusco; whose prices individually do not rise above 100 soles.

Redbus: This company offers low cost tickets to the cities of Trujillo, Ica, Arequipa, Huaraz, Chiclayo, Cusco, Chimbote and Cajamarca.

Movilbus: On the other hand, the cheapest cities to go with this agency from Lima are Huacho, Paramonga, Barranca, Huaraz, Yungay, Huarmey, Caraz, Carhuaz, Recuay, Cajamarca and even Chimbote. In these towns near the capital, prices fluctuate between 35 and 160 soles.

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