Details had already leaked out. The plan includes closer cooperation with NATO and the withdrawal from Russian gas. Criticism had already come from the opposition before the decision was made. The FPÖ fears for Austria’s neutrality. The SPÖ and NEOS complained that parliament had not been involved.
The security strategy had been under negotiation between the ÖVP and the Greens for a long time. The security doctrine needs to be renewed because, among other things, Russia is still named as a strategic partner in the current version. The security strategy is to be made official on Wednesday by means of a government circular resolution. Changes to the current draft are still possible, but unlikely.
FPÖ fears for neutrality
For the liberal MP Susanne Fürst the foreseeable security strategy is “another step towards NATO and a further dismantling of perpetual neutrality”. The previously leaked plan endangers Austria’s security, says the blue spokeswoman for foreign policy, constitution and neutrality, “because it damages our neutrality and means that we are no longer perceived as independent by warring parties”.
SPÖ sees “quick shot”
SPÖ defense spokesman Robert Laimer and the red spokeswoman for foreign policy, Petra Bayrin turn complained that the security strategy had been negotiated without involving all parliamentary groups. “The SPÖ MPs clearly reject a rapprochement with NATO,” both made clear in a press release. “The SPÖ will not support a hasty decision without involving all parliamentary groups,” they continued.
Neos locate “PR campaign”
The Neos reacted similarly, seeing this as a PR campaign by the government. Secretary General and Defence Spokesman Douglas Hoyos said: “It is a scandal that the ÖVP and the Greens are presenting the draft for the important new media security strategy and not to the people’s representatives.” The NEOS have not yet received the draft, which is to be approved by the Council of Ministers.
Video: Background and content of the new security strategy
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This article was last updated at 20:45.