Security, stop to light cannabis. And bodycams arrive on the uniforms of the agents –

Pietro De Leo

The House of Representatives is currently examining the security bill, which, after a marathon night session, between Wednesday and Thursday saw the arrival of some new developments that have been the focus of political debate. The first is the approval of an amendment presented by Lega Nord member Igor Iezzi on the provision of bodycams for police forces. The tool will not be mandatory, but it is a step forward in ensuring full transparency in the work of security operators. For years, two schools of thought have clashed on the issue. That of bodycams, in fact, typical of the center-right, and that of identification numbers on uniforms, supported by the center-left. This latter solution, however, does not allow for the exact reconstruction of what happens during interventions, a guarantee instead offered by microcameras. The regulatory innovation is welcomed positively by the Undersecretary of the Interior Nicola Molteni, a member of the Lega Nord, who speaks of an “extraordinary result of historic significance for the benefit of security operators in our country”. And he adds: «the video cameras, for those who carry out public order activities, territorial control, surveillance and sensitive places, on board trains and in the railway environment, are an indispensable and useful tool of transparency, protection, and deterrence for the effective and efficient operation of our state servants». Applause also comes from the world of police unions. Domenico Pianese, number one of Coisp, explains: «The bodycams will not only help to guarantee greater safety for officers during public order services, but will also offer fundamental protection for citizens since transparency and respect for rights will be strengthened in every interaction».

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Then there was another amendment to direct the debate. This time the change was proposed by the government and concerns the ban on the cultivation and sale of Cannabis with low THC content, effectively equating “cannabis light” to that with THC of 0.2% or higher. The amendment aims to “prevent the intake of products from hemp inflorescences from promoting, through alterations in the psychophysical state of the user, behaviors that put public safety or security or road safety at risk”. This amendment, however, impacts the sector which, from cultivation to trade, sees a structured supply chain. The various components of which are protesting. “The government is clearly aiming to close a production sector with high economic and employment potential”, protests the ICI (Imprenditori canapa italia). Luigi Scordamaglia, of Filiera Italia, reports that “thousands of jobs and the future of hundreds of companies” are at risk, highlighting “enormous damage for entrepreneurs of an entire production sector who have invested in this cultivation”. Also on the subject, an amendment by the League aimed at withdrawing the use of the image of cannabis for advertising reasons was withdrawn.

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In the meantime, there is agreement on the timing of approval. After the tensions between the majority and the opposition due to the marathon session the other night, the measure will arrive in the Chamber in September, after the examination in the Commission will be concluded by next week.

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#Security #stop #light #cannabis #bodycams #arrive #uniforms #agents #Tempo
2024-08-04 21:23:07



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