Security Situation in Ain al-Hilweh Camp: Joint Action Committee Meeting and Deployment of Joint Security Force

2023-09-22 19:06:13

Al-Nashra learned that the Palestinian Joint Action Committee in the Sidon region held an important meeting inside the Ain al-Hilweh camp, in the presence of representatives of the national and Islamic forces, and with the participation of the Commander of the Joint Security Force, Major General Mahmoud al-Ajouri, where the security situation in the camp was discussed.

According to Al-Nashra information, it was decided to deploy members of the Joint Security Force at two points inside the camp, within the framework of stabilizing the ceasefire and preventing friction, the first in the Al-Tira neighborhood – Al-Fawqani Street (near Al-Zaydan), and the second at Al-Buraq Central – Bustan Junction. Jerusalem, leaving the determination of the time of deployment to the force commander, Major General Al-Ajouri, who is expected to be within the next 48 hours.

The information indicated that the issue of evacuating UNRWA schools and the deployment of the force to two other points was discussed, and the discussion was left for another session for further study and consultation.

#decision #deploy #Palestinian #Security #Force #points #Ain #alHilweh #camp

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