Security, pensions and isapres will mark the legislative agenda this year – La Discusión 2024-03-15 01:11:14

March is just around the corner and parliamentarians know it very well. A new legislative year is approaching and the deputies and senators of the Ñuble Region begin to prepare the next legislative projects to bring them up for debate in the Plenary; in a contingency that has been marked in the last week by the kidnapping of Venezuelan citizen Ronald Ojeda Moreno (32), retired lieutenant colonel, who was living in our country as a political refugee, added to the request of the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Ricardo Cifuentes (DC), to precisely advance the legislative year, following the kidnapping of the former Venezuelan military officer and thus summon government authorities.

This idea was supported by the head of the National Renewal (RN) bench, the Ñublensino deputy Frank Sauerbaum, who commented to Radio Cooperativa that “without a doubt this is a serious situation, it is a significant violation of the rule of law, of our sovereignty. and it is important that the Government inform Congress as soon as possible regarding this situation.”

“Now, this is a secret, reserved investigation and, therefore, we must have safeguards to ensure that this information is not leaked, but Renovación Nacional is absolutely available to be summoned at the right time, as soon as possible” , added the deputy.

However, the senator for the Independent Democratic Union (UDI), Gustavo Sanhueza, indicated the complication that advancing the legislative year would represent to discuss the alleged kidnapping of former military man Ojeda, because Congress “cannot function in parts.”

“These approaches are complex to channel because deep down, Congress functions as a whole. It happens that you have a number of people who are on vacation and cannot function in parts. So, I know that it sounds nice that the functioning of Congress can be anticipated, but the truth of the matter is that in practical terms it is difficult, because maintenance is also carried out on the building (Parliament) during the legislative recess,” said the senator from Chile Let’s go.

Although, when directly consulted about the news event, Sanhueza pointed out that “these types of crimes that occur in our territory are of the utmost seriousness, obviously all alarms should be raised in this regard. Personally, I believe that this is the most serious thing that has happened to our country in recent times.”

For her part, the senator of the Party for Democracy (PPD), Loreto Carvajal, was open to discussing this case, calling in passing to parliamentarians to condense a robust security agenda that can address the current criminal situation. the country these days.

“What has happened in recent days, not only the kidnapping of this Venezuelan lieutenant colonel, but also the security today marked with crimes that until now have been unknown to us, but that today are a national priority to combat them in good manner. Drug trafficking, for example, organized crime, kidnapping and extortion, are crimes that we were previously aware of and that today, obviously added to a need to have clear, concrete regulation, and to have mechanisms that increase not only the capabilities, but also everything that funding the police means is absolutely urgent,” said the Democratic Socialist legislator.

“Today an effective investigation is required by the Public Ministry; and above all, resolving whether this is a crime of a criminal nature or rather of a political nature, is something that must be defined and that today must be, and we must all agree that this must be streamlined, normatively and legislatively. , with the corresponding institutions,” he added.

“However, as I say, this event opens a very dangerous edge, in how the intervention of a State – if this thesis is confirmed – can intervene in such a way on our border and can take away a citizen who otherwise he was a refugee. Therefore, the security agenda must be a priority, both in national terms and with crime and the fight – especially trafficking and micro-trafficking – which is embedded in our entire region and particularly in all our populations,” the senator remarked. ñublensina.

Security projects and isapres

From Chile Vamos they seek to start the legislative year by proposing legislatures framed from the areas of security and the Isapres. Creating a Ministry of Public Security – which separates the Ministry of the Interior from its powers -, dispatching the Regulation on the Use of Force (RUF), and the processing of the Short Law of Isapres are the essential initiatives with which the opposition parliamentarians intend start the legislative debate during the month of March.

“First of all, I think that one of the main projects that we will have to focus on during March is the Isapres Short Law, which should be submitted to Parliament no later than April. I believe that we must protect the fair balance between the rights of affiliates where they are respected for what they have paid in excess, benefits that do not have increases outside the margin established by the Supreme Court, but also making the private health system viable. This government and its most extreme sectors want to make the Isapres disappear, taking us all to a single public health system where the freedom of choice of Chileans is eliminated and there would be a collapse of the system,” said deputy Cristóbal Martínez (UDI) .

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“In terms of security, we have pending the creation of the Ministry of Public Security, which will allow this function to be separated from the Ministry of the Interior and provide a new institutional framework that specifically concerns this issue. In addition, we must issue the Rules on the Use of Force (RUF), which will provide the necessary legal framework to our police and armed forces. so that they can act in accordance with the law; Otherwise, without these legal norms, it is most likely that we will have a parade of soldiers and police parading through courts because we do not have a defined legal framework for action,” added the Ñublensino parliamentarian.

“You have to be prepared with the projects that are going to be analyzed to have a certain consensus at the beginning of the legislative year. There are several security projects that are there, there is the draft of the Regulation on the Use of Force that is pending, the creation of a Ministry of Security is in the pipeline; which is an urgent need that we have today, to have an entity that can effectively coordinate all security actions, because security is not only what has to do with law enforcement, but it also has to do with how Other entities operate such as Customs, or the Internal Revenue Service (SII),” stressed Senator Sanhueza, in addition to what was communicated by Martínez.

Pension Reform “3 by 3”

From the ruling party, for their part, they will seek to put their efforts into advancing the pension reform project; where the Executive has already announced that they will seek to implement the “3 by 3” formula (3% for individual capitalization and 3% directed to a national solidarity fund), which in the words of Senator Carvajal “is a legislative priority.” .

“Without a doubt the legislative priorities, not only for our PPD bench, but also for those of us who are part of the Government, will be focused on advancing today in the pension reform project. Without a doubt, what happened in the Chamber (of Deputies) was embarrassing; being discussed within the Labor Commission for more than a year, and thus going to the Chamber in January of this year finally defeated the heart of the project, that is, that solidarity was not included and that the increase in labor was prevented. 6% employer contributions, that was precisely the heart of the pension reform project,” said the legislator.

“We, not only in the Congress and the Senate, but also in the Labor and Social Security Commission that I have to preside over, are going to see each other in the task, especially what corresponds to me as president during the month of March, to move forward and understand that today we need pensions to rise today, especially for those who already have pensions,” he continued.

“Women, and particularly middle-class women, are punished with the current pension system, which gives them miserable pensions. For this reason, we have to propose just as President Bachelet did, as President Piñera also did at the time, the Solidarity Proposal, which consists of 3% for the individual contribution and another 3% for solidarity; and obviously understand that solidarity has to be intergenerational and intragenerational, which also implies that we discard the idea from the ruling party, that the PGU – as proposed by the right – is going to solve the underlying problem,” she highlighted.

“Today with a PGU (Universal Guaranteed Pension) of $214,000 it is unthinkable that it could replace a decent pension, therefore, our first priority will undoubtedly be to advance effectively, agilely and in a timely manner in the Senate to already have a pension reform, which allows obviously improve pensions. The second has to do with the fiscal pact. There is no doubt that if we want to address security with greater force, and above all with greater financing, and especially today’s component, subsidy and subsidies, which are required for ventures to reactivate the economy, we need resources, and obviously we will to generate all the dialogues that allow progress in a fiscal pact; and third, we need to create a forceful security agenda,” concluded Carvajal.

Text: Luciano Gallardo

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