Security at the Palace of Justice is reinforced after threat of attack

This was the model found after two raids carried out in two buildings in southern Bogotá. Photo: Courtesy

The discovery of explosives, high-caliber ammunition, plans and a model of the Palace of Justice after two raids carried out in two properties located in the El Mochuelo and El Cortijo neighborhoods, in the Ciudad Bolívar area of ​​Bogotá, generated a alert for a possible attack on the highest institution of justice in Colombia.

Authorities confirmed that in the raids, carried out last Tuesday, In addition to the 16 packages of explosives and black powder, they found an improvised model of the facilities of the Palace of Justice, which generated maximum alert in the capital of the Republic.

High-calibre ammunition and an armoured vest exclusive to the National Police were also found in the buildings. Photo: Courtesy

Given the seriousness of the threat, the president of the Supreme Court of Justice, Judge Gerson Chaverra, assured that A meeting has already been agreed for next week with the Director General of the Police, the Head of Security of the Palace of Justice, the presidents of the High Courts and the mayor of Bogotá, Carlos Fernando Galán.

“This is so that we can sit down and structure and define the security measures that are necessary for both the Palace of Justice and the Palace on 72nd Street, where the Supreme Court’s trial and investigation rooms are located,” said Judge Chaverra at a press conference.

They ask for speed in investigations

The Interinstitutional Commission of the Judicial Branch and the National Judicial Commission demanded, for their part, that there be speed up investigations to clarify the facts that “affect the independence of justice.”

“The presidents of the High Courts coordinated with the security authorities the actions of reinforcement and protection of the facilities of the Palace of Justice and of all the public servants who work there,” they indicated in a press release.

In turn, the president of the Senate, Efraín Cepeda, expressed his concern about the possible attack through his X account.

We ask that the protection of this place of democracy be strengthened, “to ensure the proper functioning and safety of the judges and officials who work there,” he said.

Palace security will be reinforced

The Presidency of the Republic assured that after a security council between the Police and the National Army, it was established, as First measure, reinforce the security of the facilities of the enclosure.

“Actions taken include: installation of advanced surveillance systems, the provision of anti-explosive equipment, the use of drones for continuous monitoring and the intervention of specialized security units,” they reported.

Meanwhile, the authorities will have the task of establishing who or what group is behind this failed attack that brings to mind the magistrates and the entire society the takeover of the Palace of Justice that occurred on November 6, 1985, which left 105 dead and 11 missing.

2024-08-16 17:55:22
#Security #Palace #Justice #reinforced #threat #attack



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