Securing Tons of Allegedly Stolen Auto Parts: The Investigation and Arrests by SSC CDMX

2023-07-29 04:46:00

The Secretariat of Citizen Security of Mexico City, in coordination with the CDMX Attorney General’s Office, executed three search warrants at homes in the Iztapalapa mayor’s office to Securing tons of allegedly stolen auto parts.

The search was carried out as part of the follow-up on various citizen complaints that report the storage of allegedly stolen automotive parts within the properties.


After the test data was provided before a Control Judge, the released warrants to allow investigation of the properties that are located in the streets Miguel Alemán, Guillermo Prieto and in the road Ermita Iztapalapa, Colonia Zona Urbana Santa María Aztahuacán.

According to the authorities, approximately 13 tons were secured of various auto parts, three vehicle license plates from the State of Mexico with a report of theft and the suspension seals were placed.


Two people are arrested, one had previously been imprisoned

In addition, a 43-year-old woman and a 51-year-old man were arrested, who were placed at the disposal of the Public Ministry agent, who will integrate the investigation folder to define your legal situation.

One of the detainees has a previous record of admission to the Mexico City Penitentiary System, for the crimes of qualified aggravated robbery and criminal association committed in 2008.


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