Securing human body products in the context of the occurrence of indigenous cases of dengue fever in the Var department in July-August 2022

Following an outbreak of cases of autochthonous dengue that occurred in the town of Fayence (Var) in July-August 2022, involving four households (groups of cases housed under the same roof), the High Council for Public Health (HCSP ) is responsible for studying the measures to be adopted according to the epidemiological data available and the rules previously defined in its opinion of September 21 completed on November 9, 2020, which applied to outbreaks of less than four households. The HCSP confirms that the rules cited in this opinion apply to the cases reported and validates the measures taken by the Regional Health Agency (vector control, information for caregivers), the French Blood Establishment (EFS) and the Armed Forces Blood Transfusion Centre: CTSA (suspension of blood collections and temporary adjournment of donors). For the other products, given the limited size of this focus and the very low risk of transmission of dengue fever by transplants, the situation is considered to have no impact on the biological selection of organ, tissue or cell donors. This letter is also an opportunity to provide an epidemiological update on three other autochthonous dengue fever outbreaks in mainland France for which, at the time of writing, the size did not exceed the size of 3 households to justify an opinion from the HCSP.



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