In addition to its letter of September 5, 2022 and following the extension of an outbreak of autochthonous dengue fever in the municipalities of Saint-Jeannet then Gattières (Alpes-Maritimes) in August-September 2022, the HSCP responds at the request of the DGS to determine whether to supplement the measures currently implemented by operators in charge of elements and products of the human body. The situation observed in the Alpes-Maritimes is indeed a new escalation in the number of cases, making Saint-Jeannet and its surroundings the most important focus of autochthonous dengue fever identified to date in Europe. The HCSP validates the measures taken by the ARS PACA Regional Health Agency (vector control, information for caregivers), the French Blood Establishment and the Armed Forces Blood Transfusion Center (suspension of blood collections and temporary adjournment of donors) for a geographical area covering the two municipalities. For the other products, given the limited size of this focus and the very low risk of transmission of dengue fever by transplants, the situation is considered to have no impact on the biological selection of organ, tissue or cell donors. In the event that the outbreak continues to progress, in particular towards the Nice metropolitan area, a new consultation of GT Secproch would be necessary to complete and extend the measures already taken.