secretary announces resumption of training for bus companies on respect for cyclists

2023-05-27 08:00:00

Flávio Murilo added that the action will include care for the elderly and people with disabilities

In an exclusive interview with Jornal de Brasilia this Friday (26/05), the secretary of Mobility and Transport of the Federal District (Semob), Flávio Murilo, announced that the five bus companies that provide services to people from Brasília will organize training for their drivers to travel on roads and highways that cross the DF with respect for cyclists.

The action, according to the public manager, already has a date set: it will take place in the week of National Cyclist Day, on August 19th. The initiative will be given to all vehicles directly by the secretariat. Stationary bicycles will be assembled in the companies’ garages where, instead of cyclists, drivers will be able to feel what it’s like to pedal alongside heavier vehicles. The training also includes theoretical classes and lectures given by experts on traffic legislation and education.

“The programming will take place throughout the week and will end on this very emblematic date. I was already aware of the work started by my predecessor, Valter Casimiro, and I decided to resume training to continue the education work that transmits the necessary knowledge to drivers on how to live with cyclists who are in a more vulnerable vehicle”, he explains.

According to Flávio Murilo, who has been in charge of the folder for just over a month, the objective is to expand the action and make it permanent. “The focus is on peace in traffic and, for that, we need to make drivers aware of respect for cyclists and pedestrians. After all, the elder must always protect the younger.” He also adds that care for the elderly and people with disabilities will also be included in the program.
Last year, four companies participated in the training and around 4,000 road workers were covered. The idea this year is to include all five companies and expand to 5,000 employees in the public transport system.

The Federal District currently has the second largest bicycle network in Brazil, with almost 700 kilometers. It loses only to São Paulo. The Metropolitan Cycling Federation of the DF accounts for 1.1 million bicycles and 500,000 active cyclists in the federal capital.

Many still complain regarding the often aggressive behavior of some drivers, but since the first edition of the training, in 2022, there has been a considerable improvement. It is the perception of one of the greatest Brazilian cyclists and resident of Águas Claras, Rodrigo de Melo Brito, Morcegão. “I’ve already received a lot of cuts from bus drivers and some pass by taking it easy. But, since last year, I have noticed a greater respect from some drivers. We need to continue this education process.”

wheels of peace

For the Communication coordinator of the NGO Rodas da Paz, Ana Júlia Pinheiro, “the training really needs to be resumed and will be very welcome”.


According to her, Rodas da Paz frequently receives complaints regarding aggressiveness on the part of some drivers. Mainly in some specific regions. “We mapped some critical places. Among them are Epig, Epia, BRs 020, 040 and 070”, she says.

Ana Júlia Pinheiro, who is also a journalist, adds that the bicycle is a vehicle like any other motor vehicle and that it has the same right to travel on public roads. “The bus driver needs to look at the cyclist as a worker who is often using the bicycle as a means of transport to work. It’s even a way of saving the ticket to guarantee a slightly higher income for the family. In training, it is necessary to convey, in addition to traffic education, empathy and compassion to others”, she concludes.

According to article 201 of the Brazilian Traffic Code, motor vehicle drivers must respect a lateral distance of 1.5m when passing or overtaking a cyclist. Also, according to CTB, failing to reduce speed in a way that is compatible with traffic safety when overtaking a cyclist constitutes a very serious infraction.


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