2023-10-06 07:32:40
On Wednesday October 4, 2023, Sylvie Retailleau, Minister of Higher Education and Research, Aurélien Rousseau, Minister of Health and Prevention and Bérangère Couillard, the Minister responsible for Equality between women and men and the Fight once morest discrimination, chaired the second Steering Committee of the National Strategy to combat endometriosis.
In France, one in 10 women – or 1.5 to 2.5 million French women – live with this chronic gynecological disease, with symptoms that can be very varied.
More than a year following the launch by the President of the Republic of this interministerial Strategy, 85% of its actions have already been carried out or are being implemented. The Steering Committee was thus an opportunity to draw up an initial assessment and above all to outline new perspectives, to move forward with renewed ambition, broken down into 3 axes.
First axis: scientific research. Minister Sylvie Retailleau recalled the ambition to place France at the forefront of research and innovation on endometriosis, thanks to a significant investment: 30 million euros are in fact dedicated to the priority program of research (PEPR), “women’s health and couples’ health”, the development of which was entrusted to Inserm.
As the Minister of Health and Prevention pointed out:
It is essential to better recognize the particularities and specific vulnerabilities that women face, and who have been marginalized for too long, in clinical care and in research. The fight once morest endometriosis is in this sense absolutely fundamental. Both from a societal, medical and scientific point of view.
The Minister responsible for Equality between Women and Men and the Fight once morest Discrimination, Bérangère Couillard recalled:
This disease affects women in all aspects of their lives: their physical, mental and social well-being.
The Steering Committee was an opportunity to present this program, which notably includes an epidemiological project targeted at endometriosis, unique in the world, and which is now entering its operational phase.
The second axis of the Strategy aims to guarantee rapid diagnosis and access to quality care throughout the territory.mostly via the structuring, in each region, of a sector dedicated to the treatment of endometriosis. The establishment of these sectors is supported by annual budgets from the Regional Intervention Fund (FIR) to the tune of 4.5 million euros. Five regions have already completed the deployment of their sectors, and, wherever the sectors are still at the initial or intermediate stage, the progress is exhaustive and the dynamic positive. The Minister of Health and Prevention recalled that the identification of sectors must be carried out in all regions by the end of 2023.
The third axis of the Strategy aims to better communicate, train and inform society as a whole regarding endometriosis. Health Insurance and the Public Health Information Service (SPIS) were thus able to detail the measures already implemented to train health professionals (webinars), as well as to ensure access to reliable and exhaustive health information. population (dedicated space on New training and information campaigns will be carried out for professionals, and broader work on the remaining costs for patients not covered by the ALD system will be carried out.
It is in this logic of deepening and acceleration that Minister Aurélien Rousseau signed a ministerial instruction, on September 27, 2023, intended for all the actors responsible for the deployment of the Strategy – Health Insurance, ministry, ARS. The National Health Insurance Fund (CNAM) was therefore asked to specify, update and harmonize the guiding principles used by its medical advisors in the evaluation of applications for recognition in ALD of patients affected by endometriosis, via a specific circular, developed in conjunction with patient associations.
Aurélien Rousseau also contacted the High Authority for Health (HAS) to update its recommendations for good practice and to comment on new innovations in the diagnosis and management of endometriosis.
Contacts presse :
Ministry of Higher Education and Research
Office of Mrs. Sylvie Retailleau
Tel: 01 55 55 84 24
Email: [email protected]
Ministry of Health and Prevention
Cabinet of M. Aurélien Rousseau
Tel: 01 40 56 60 60
Email: [email protected]
Ministry responsible for Equality between women and men and the Fight once morest discrimination
Office of Mrs. Bérangère Couillard
Tel: 01 42 75 80 00
Email: [email protected]
#Steering #Committee #National #Strategy #Combat #Endometriosis