Second Ecuadorian mayor assassinated in three days

This Friday, Ecuador once once more felt the ravages of the armed violencethis time with its second mayor assassinated in just three days. The victim was Jorge Maldonado, who was in charge of the Portovelo municipality, in the province of El Oro..

In the followingnoon of April 19, the Association of Municipalities of Ecuador (AME) issued a statement confirming the murder of the Ecuadorian mayor.

“The wave of violence that has claimed the lives of two Ecuadorian mayors in less than a week is a sign that we cannot ignore. These acts are not just individual tragedies, but indicative of a serious security crisis that puts the lives of all municipal leaders at risk.”the organization said through its X account.

The situation adds a new victim in a country where President Daniel Noboa has been fighting armed gangs since the beginning of the year.

The tragedy occurred just hours before a referendum and popular consultation on the Constitution and the militarization policy in Ecuador.

On Wednesday, Ecuadorian authorities regretted the murder of Jose Sanchez, mayor of Camilo Ponce Enriquez. Previously, on March 24, Mayor Brigitte Garcia of San Vicente was found dead in a vehicle with gunshot wounds.

#Ecuadorian #mayor #assassinated #days
2024-07-19 14:10:16



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