2023-06-13 01:28:51
In chapter 13 of ‘MasterChef Celebrity Colombia’ many things were revealed, this following the presenter Claudia Bahamon asked each of the participants if they believed in a second chance, since that day there would be a salvation challenge.
Can read: ‘La Tasting with Boots’ surpassed Margalida Castro in ‘MasterChef Celebrity Colombia’ for a heavy reason
But the presenter went deeper and questioned them regarding the occasions in which they have taken advantage of a second chance. That is why Juan Pablo Barragán indicated that he expected an opportunity with Francisca Estévez, but he said it jokingly, since he confessed that they have been related since the beginning of the program due to the closeness that both have.
Then Natalia Sanint arrived, who indicated that her husband was her opportunity and that he gave her family, and that she has a beautiful present with which she considers that a prominent future comes.
Biassini Segura joined her, who specified that the great opportunity she was waiting for is her daughters who taught her to be a great man, since she confessed that she made many mistakes out of ignorance without specifying which ones, and that as a result she has learned to be better , something that is infinitely grateful.
Later it was the opportunity of the actress of the dramatic success ‘Yo Soy Betty, La Fea’, Martha Isabel Bolaños, who opened her heart with the question so that her answer spoke of the love in her life.
“I am waiting for you Clau, I am waiting for love to come into my life for the second time. You know that one does not stay with the love of life, no, rarely. That relationship passed and now I’m waiting for the love of my life to arrive once more.”
— Martha Isabel Bolaños
For their part, in the individual testimonies, it was two of the men who offered themselves as possible candidates for Martha Isabel Bolaños, and one of them, the content creator Mario Ruiz, said that he has the collagen she needs.
“Martha Isabel, how regarding your second chance being me? I mean, look, I have collagen”
— Mario Ruiz
Can read: Will ‘La Tasting with Boots’ return to ‘MasterChef Celebrity Colombia’? This she said on her way out
“Red candles, Martha, a bath, in the campaign, or if not, leave WhatsApp here”
— Adrian Parada
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