Secession deals with anti-Semitism in its own history

2024-01-18 04:51:14

What role did anti-Semitism play in the Vienna Secession? The contemporary historian Oliver Rathkolb has investigated these and other questions and will give insights into his findings in a lecture on January 29th: Under the title “The long shadow of anti-Semitism and National Socialism and the history of the Vienna Secession 1898-1955” he will dedicate himself the processing of holdings in the historical archive of the Secession.

As part of this “previously unusual change of perspective”, as the Secession calls its commission to Rathkolb, the political attitudes of central actors and artists of the Vienna Secession were analyzed. The time frame extended from the founding phase of the Habsburg Monarchy to the aftermath of National Socialism in the early Second Republic.

Women were primarily taken into account in the exhibition analyses, as they were only accepted as members from 1949 onwards. Using a contemporary-historical network analysis, Rathkolb, Stephan Turmalin and Konstantin Schischka were able to reconstruct the influence of anti-Semitism, which had an impact on exhibition curation, club politics and memberships.

(SERVICE – Lecture “The long shadow of anti-Semitism and National Socialism and the history of the Vienna Secession 1898-1955”, January 29th, 7 p.m. in the main room of the Secession. Information at

#Secession #deals #antiSemitism #history

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