Seb Mellia Responds to Rape Accusations: Christine Coquilleau Naït Sidna Shares the Story

2024-02-11 21:05:11
Christine Coquilleau Naït Sidna / Christine Coquilleau Naït Sidna Seb Mellia, accused of rape on social networks, comes out of silence to defend himself and says he is “devastated”

Christine Coquilleau Naït Sidna / Christine Coquilleau Naït Sidna

Seb Mellia, accused of rape on social networks, comes out of silence to defend himself and says he is “devastated”

CULTURE – « My silence is not a confession. » Comedian Seb Mellia has been in turmoil since January following being targeted by around twenty testimonies of sexual violence, relayed on social networks. Remaining silent since mid-January, he finally spoke this Sunday, February 11 on Instagram to defend himself.

« It took me a while to react because I was overwhelmed by what was happening to me, shocked and also devastated. “, he wrote in the caption of an all-white publication. “ If I may have offended some of my partners in the past, and unintentionally, through inappropriate behavior, I deeply regret it and apologize to them. », he continues.

But repentance stops there, because for him “ there are limits » that he did not « never crossed ».
« I deny all accusations of rape in any way “, he declares, ensuring that he is not “ the monster described by some ».

« Manhunt under cover of anonymity »

The comedian, seen in particular at Jamel comedy club in 2007, said he took legal action “ to shed light on all this “. And to continue: “ This is where it all should have started. This manhunt under cover of anonymity prevents me from defending myself fairly. »

It all started following accusations relayed by comedian Florence Mendez in January. On her Instagram account, she posted several photos showing signs on which it was written: “ Rapist, we see you, victim we believe you”, “victim of Seb Mellia we believe you” or “ famous rapist, rapist nonetheless.”

She also posted a video shot during one of the comedian’s performances in which women and men scream “ there is a dirty rapist in the room”, “20 people testified once morest Seb Mellia, 20 people! “.

A little earlier today, she ranted once more on Instagram and wrote: “ Here I have classified everything. 18, damn n. Eighteen testimonies concerning Mellia. » A few days earlier, she revealed that she had received testimonies from four women, which led more than ten others to contact her. “And other testimonies regarding Mellia continue to arrive in my inbox! »she affirmed.

Also see on Le HuffPost :

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