Search for Missing Teenager Noa Willems: Help Find Him Now. Call Child Focus on 116 000

2023-06-18 19:47:00

This Sunday evening at 9:30 p.m., the Luxembourg public prosecutor’s office and Child Focus issued the following notice of disappearance. We have not heard from young Noa Willems, 16, since Saturday June 17. According to our information, he disappeared from an institution in Herstal where he was staying. He would live in a village in the commune of Léglise.

Child Focus specifies that the missing young man is 1.65 m tall, is of slim build, has blue eyes, short blond hair. He was wearing black sneakers when he disappeared on Saturday.

Contact Child Focus on 116 000 if you have any information that might find Noa.

#Worrying #disappearance #Herstal #Noa #young #man #town #Léglise



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