Seac informs the importance of condominium cleaning against the spread of diseases

According to ABRASSP (Brazilian Association of Professional Trustees and Trustees), more than 68 million people live in condominiums in Brazil. With this, it is possible to understand the importance of cleaning within the various shared environments that exist in residential condominiums.

The COVID-19 pandemic brought much greater care with the cleaning and disinfection of the places. And in the post-pandemic, there are care that remained for everyone’s health. Because it’s not just COVID-19 threatening the well-being and health of people living in condominiums.

Among these many threats are the flu and dengue fever. According to the Ministry of Health, the flu is an acute infection of the respiratory system, caused by the influenza virus, with great potential for transmission, even more so in environments where there is no good cleaning and hygiene. And dengue is the most prevalent urban arbovirus in the Americas, especially in Brazil, and the period of the year with the highest transmission of the disease occurs in the rainiest months of each region, generally from November to May. The accumulation of standing water contributes to the proliferation of the mosquito and, consequently, greater spread of the disease. For this reason, it is important to avoid stagnant water and keep environments that tend to attract mosquitoes clean and sanitized. Temples of the Egyptians every day, because mosquito eggs can survive for a year in the environment.

People need a clean and healthy place to live, this is very important to ensure satisfaction, health and coexistence between tenants. Inside the condominiums, there are several environments such as elevators, hall, playgrounds, bathrooms, barbecues, ballrooms, stairs, among others. These common and leisure areas are frequented by condominium residents and even visitors. Therefore, the condominium has the responsibility to take care of the cleanliness of these environments for the safety of the health of all these people. Carrying out the installation of gel alcohol dispensers at strategic points in the condominium, and constant disinfection of elevator buttons, door handles, biometric readers, stair railings, toys, gym equipment, among others.

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Depending on the size of the condominiums and the different areas that comprise them, the cleaning of the developments has many details that cannot go unnoticed, and for a safer and quality cleaning, hiring a specialized cleaning company is a great option. . Rui Monteiro, president of the Union of Cleaning and Conservation Companies in the State of São Paulo (SEAC-SP) says that, “there are several benefits when hiring a professional cleaning company. Among them are trained and highly qualified professionals, safety in carrying out cleaning, cost reduction, satisfied tenants, among other benefits.”.

According to Rui Monteiro, the great advantage of hiring a third-party cleaning company for condominiums is the highly trained professionals, as they have continuous updates and training. Ensuring quality cleaning and hygiene for the health of all inhabitants.

Cleanliness is Health

In order to remind everyone that clean environments have a direct impact on everyone’s well-being and health, SEAC-SP is promoting the “Cleaning is health” campaign, which will serve corporations from all segments. Through this campaign, organizations that hire a professional cleaning company and show interest in being part of the campaign by adopting practices that support it, will earn the right to use the quality seal, which certifies concern for people’s health and well-being .


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