Sea lions trained to play video games by US Navy

2023-05-13 03:04:29

For three years, the US Navy has been training sea lions and dolphins to play video games. This program aims to test the cognitive abilities of marine mammals.

These must move a cursor on the screen and get it out of a maze using their muzzle.

The programme brings together some 120 sea lions and dolphins, supervised, trained and cared for by 300 humans.

The animals are trained to carry out reconnaissance and rescue missions.

In order to enrich their development, several activities are offered to them such as swimming sessions in the ocean, play time with toys and now, video games.

In its most recent report, the US Navy notably praised the exploits of Spike, the latest sea lion integrated into the program, but who has proven to be the most skilled with video games. Spike became the first of his kind to complete the entire training program.

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