Scrutiny Over Safeguards: Deputies Challenge Official Assessment of Human Rights Defender Attacks

On Monday, September 2, the majority of the heads and deputy heads of the parliamentary groups in the Congress of the Republic approved that a resolution point be discussed in the session on Tuesday in which they seek to have the Ministry of the Interior repeal the creation of an analysis body against attacks on human rights defenders approved last week.

The resolution proposal was presented by Deputy Allan Rodríguez, head of the Vamos bloc, and supported by other blocs.

The intention is to urge the Ministry of the Interior to repeal ministerial agreement 214-2024, which creates the Agency for the Analysis of Attacks against the Right of Individuals, Organizations, Communities and Authorities of Indigenous Peoples to Defend Human Rights.

Some deputies questioned whether such a body could be used to prosecute those who criticize the work of “social activists” in the country.

The resolution will be discussed in Congress on Tuesday and requires 81 votes to be approved, although it is not binding, as it only represents a recommendation.

Allan Rodríguez, from the Vamos bloc, said that “the people of Guatemala do not agree with this type of practice. We must be clear that we are not against any minority and what we want is for what the Constitution says to be respected.”

He said that these were “payments of favors” by the Executive, and therefore urged Mingo to repeal the agreement.

For his part, Rodrigo Pellecer, deputy leader of the Elefante bench, pointed out in the plenary session that the aim is to persecute those who criticize social activists; he also questioned the inclusion of the LGTBI community, who, in his opinion, will also be considered social activists.

Meanwhile, Jorge Romeo Castro, head of the Viva faction, said that the actions of the Mingob violate what is established in the Constitution, since it fragments the population.

He said that these actions seek to “destroy the social foundations of the family.”

A position was sought from the Ministry of the Interior on the issue, but the Ministry’s Communications team initially stated that it would not take a position and then it was stated that they would make inquiries, but they have not yet responded.

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#Deputies #question #bodys #analysis #attacks #human #rights #defenders



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