Screams from the balconies show the desperation of the population in Shanghai due to confinement | Society

Almost terrifying scenes have been experienced in Shanghai in recent days, where the population seems to be overwhelmed by strict confinement.

It is known that China opted for the ‘zero COVID’ strategy to control the pandemic, which, in his case, consists of confining entire cities to localized outbreaks.

In this context, last weekend a desperate situation was recorded in Shanghai (24 million inhabitants), where people complained about the strict quarantine from the balconies of their homes.

The last report from that country reported 27,595 new infections, of which 26,411 were asymptomatic positives.

According to what was reported by the media The Guardianthe videos were captured by an epidemiologist from that city, whose name has been withheld.

However, the records were published on social networks such as Twitter, where they have gone viral to this day.

“Please respect the Covid restrictions. Control your soul’s desire for freedom. Don’t open the window and don’t sing.” heard from the drone.

The analysis indicates that the situation would be especially worrying, because the population has suffered food shortages.

Without going any further, they detail, at the end of last week they registered looting in some supermarkets.

The city of 25 million inhabitants entered a phased confinement last week that caused these scenes of panic in some areas.

The facilities to isolate those infected continue to fill with new cases and the authorities maintain their strict health protocols that include the separation of infected babies from their parents if they test negative. A senior Shanghai official admitted the city was “underprepared” for the outbreak.

This outbreak is impacting the economy and analysts are cutting growth forecasts due to the closure of factories and the confinement of millions of consumers. It seems all is despair in Shanghai

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