Scott to Biden on letting Maduro into the US

Rick Scott asked Joe Biden to condemn the attacks against democracy in Venezuela

Senator Rick Scott sent a letter to President Joe Biden on Wednesday. He asks you to deny visas to the leaders of Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua and their respective delegations so that they cannot travel to New York in order to attend the United Nations General Assembly in September.

In the letter, obtained exclusively by El Herald, the Republican urged the president to “defend freedom and democracy in Latin America. He must do the right thing to protect America’s security interests by denying entry to these three thugs and their cronies.”

Scott’s message on Maduro

He added: “These oppressive dictators and their regimes engage in activities that continue to threaten the stability of Latin America and the national security of the United States.”

He strongly questioned that Nicolás Maduro, who has an arrest warrant in the United States, travel to that country. “Unless the government intends to arrest Maduro, he should not be allowed to enter the United States,” Scott stressed.

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