SCJN admits consultation on the constitutionality of the PJ reform

SCJN admits consultation on the constitutionality of the PJ reform

MEXICO CITY.- The Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) admitted the query to review the reform of the Judiciarypublished in the Official Gazette of the Federation (DOF) on September 15

With eight votes in favor and three against, the Plenary Session of the Court will submit for discussion and analysis one of the 10 pending consultations made by the minister president, Norma Piña.

These are consultations to analyze whether or not the challenges presented by federal judges and magistrates against the judicial reform are admitted.

With this decision, the SCJN will begin a discussion about what powers it has to analyze the reform and, if applicable, determine if the initiative of the former president Andrés Manuel López Obrador whether it is endorsed or derogated.

Analysis of the reform of the Judicial Branch admitted in the SCJN

By majority vote, the Court determined that the Organic Law of the Judicial Power of the Federation (LOPJF) grants the Supreme Court powers to resolve legal conflicts that affect the autonomy of the Judicial Branch of the Federation.

This law also provides independence to its members to be able to issue resolutions.

The only votes against were from the ministers Lenia Batres, Loretta Ortiz y Yasmin Esquivelwho on previous occasions have been singled out for their closeness to the Obrador administration.

Ministers Lenia Batres and Yasmín Esquivel accused the Court of approving the discussion of the reform as a “coup d’état.”

In this Thursday’s session, the draft ruling that proposed admitting a pending consultation presented by the National Association of District Judges and Circuit Magistrates (Jufed).

Said project warns that the judicial reform violates the autonomy of the Judicial Branch of the Federation and the division of powers.

The ministers highlighted that admitting the consultation of the magistrates It does not imply a definitive pronouncement on the Court’s power to review judicial reform.

Nor does it prejudge the content of said reformgiven that A ruling must first be approved to define the powers granted to the Court by its organic law for the analysis of a constitutional reform.

The next sentences will determine whether or not the SCJN endorses the reform of the Judicial Branch.

They celebrate the Court’s decision

Workers of the Judicial Branch celebrated the Court’s resolution this Thursday.

Opponents of the reform also expressed their satisfaction with the ministers’ vote.

Figures from the ruling party, such as the senator of the Labor Party, Gerardo Fernández Noroña, criticized the Court’s decision.

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#SCJN #admits #consultation #constitutionality #reform
2024-10-05 23:53:24



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