Scientists monitor the most distant galaxy discovered in the universe

Astrophysics" They are not sure if it is a star galaxy, but they have determined at its center black hole formidable.

According to the scientist Fabio Baccucci from the Center "Harvard-Smithsonian" For astrophysics, an exact answer to details regarding a galaxy located at such a great distance is very difficult. Detecting things in the early stages of the universe is difficult".

According to the site, "Science Alert" specialist with scientific news Four telescopes were used to observe the galaxy, and researchers took 1,200 hours to observe.

Commenting on the discovery, he said: astronomer Yuichi Harikan from the University of Tokyo, Japan: "Finding the galaxy among the more than 700,000 objects has been very daunting. The red color of HD 1 matches the expected characteristics of a galaxy 13.5 billion light-years away".

The red color of galaxies is known as . "redshift"It occurs when the light source moves away from us, and this leads to an increase in the wavelength of the light coming from this source towards the red end of the electromagnetic spectrum, which is why it is called.

Because the universe is expanding, other galaxies appear to be redshifted, knowing that the greater the distance in space-time, the more "redshift".

The researchers hope that the information and images from . will help them James Webb Space Telescopeto reveal the nature of the light of this galaxy, and reveal more secrets regarding the emergence and formation of the universe.


It took the faint light of the galaxy traveling 13.5 billion light-years to reach us on planet Earth.

And the galaxy’s discoverers called it “HD1”, and they indicated in their research published in the journal “HD1”.AstrophysicsThey are not sure if it is a star galaxy, but they have determined at its center black hole formidable.

According to the scientist Fabio Paccucci of the “Harvard-Smithsonian” Center for Astrophysics, the exact answer to the details of the galaxy, which is located at a very large distance, is very difficult. Detecting things in the early universe is difficult.”

According to the “Science Alert” website, with scientific news Four telescopes were used to observe the galaxy, and researchers took 1,200 hours to observe.

Commenting on the discovery, he said: astronomer Yuichi Harikan from the University of Tokyo, Japan: “It was very difficult to find the galaxy among more than 700,000 objects. The red color of HD1 matches the expected characteristics of a galaxy 13.5 billion light-years away.”

Galaxies’ red color is known as “redshift”, and it occurs when a light source moves away from us, and this leads to an increase in the wavelength of light coming from this source towards the red end of the electromagnetic spectrum, which is why it is called.

Because the universe is expanding, other galaxies appear to be redshifted, knowing that the greater the distance in spacetime, the greater the “redshift”.

The researchers hope that the information and images from . will help them James Webb Space Telescopeto reveal the nature of the light of this galaxy, and reveal more secrets regarding the emergence and formation of the universe.



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