Scientists have told which diet significantly prolongs life

A diet low in protein is extremely beneficial, but it is important not to allow too much fat in the diet.

Two international teams of scientists who conducted studies independently of each other found that reducing animal protein in the diet can prolong life.

The research results are described in the journal Cell Metabolism.

Scientists conducted tests on simple organisms, mice and humans, and received convincing evidence that a diet high in protein is almost as harmful to health as smoking. Walter Longo of the University of Southern California at Los Angeles and colleagues analyzed data from 6,831 people aged 50 and over who were participating in the National Health and Nutrition Examination.

It turned out that in people who consume a large amount of protein in middle age, the risk of dying from cancer or diabetes is increased by 4 times. At the same time, vegetable proteins turned out to be less harmful than animal proteins.

Scientists explain that protein consumption affects the production of growth hormone, which supports the metabolism in the adult body, but also promotes the growth of cancerous tumors. After the age of 65, its level in the body drops, so eating protein foods after this age, on the contrary, is good for health.

Another study was conducted by a group of scientists led by Stephen Simpson from the University of Sydney. They kept hundreds of mice on 25 different diets. Because of this, the researchers found that a diet high in protein and low in carbohydrates helped reduce appetite and body fat, but at the same time shortened life. Such a diet also contributed to the development of cardiovascular and endocrine diseases.

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Scientists have previously discovered a product that can lower blood sugar levels in just 15 minutes. This is a nut like an almond. Almonds contain almost no carbohydrates, but are high in protein, fat and fiber. In addition, these nuts are rich in magnesium. All of these benefits help people with diabetes manage their blood sugar levels.

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