Doctors analyzed the eyes and brain tissue of 86 deceased patients.
American scientists have found a way to diagnose Alzheimer’s disease through an eye exam. This is reported by the portal FoxNews.
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles found that the human eye can show early signs of this common form of dementia long before symptoms become apparent.
The researchers analyzed the eyes and brain tissue of 86 deceased patients diagnosed with cognitive impairment.
According to the report, the retinas of Alzheimer’s patients had excessive amounts of beta-amyloid 42, a protein that forms plaques that accumulate in the brains of people with the condition.
In addition, the retina contained cells called microglia, which also appear in humans as the disease progresses.
“These results may lead to the development of imaging techniques that will allow clinicians to diagnose Alzheimer’s disease earlier and more accurately, and track its progression non-invasively by examining the patient’s eyes,” said Coronio-Hamaui, co-author of the study.
In September 2021, Alexander Panchin, candidate of biological sciences, admitted the development of Alzheimer’s disease following suffering COVID-19. According to him, researchers have already proven that following the coronavirus, memory and cognitive abilities deteriorate in some patients.
Diet is the best way to prevent dementia. What foods should be included in the diet, find out in the gallery:
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Olive oil.
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