Scientists Discover First Triple Black Hole System in Milky Way

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Tom Jobim sang, in “Wave”that it is “impossible to be happy alone”. Many of the black holes that have been detected by scientists seem to agree, as they roam around in inseparable pairs.

These binary systems are composed of a black hole and a second object, which can be an ordinary star, a superdense neutron star or even another black hole.

In the system, the two objects move in a spiral, around each other, like a puppy chasing its tail without ever catching it. The black hole may slowly consume material from its peer.

Now, a team of physicists from MIT and the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), in the USA, has discovered the first triple system black hole, almost by accident.

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In the study published in Naturethey describe a system located in our Milky Way with two stars, one closer and one more distant, both orbiting the same black hole.

How did this happen

It’s a threesome, and the relationship is toxic. The black hole at the center of the system is consuming a small star, which completes one revolution around it every 6.5 days.

The hole in question was already known: it is V404 Cygni, one of the first objects to be confirmed as a black hole, located at a distance of 8,000 light years from Earth. The new thing is that it is accompanied.

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Looking at it, without expecting to find anything new in an already extensively studied system, scientists were surprised to notice a third element: a much more distant star, but which is still orbiting the same black hole.

It stays at a safe distance, enough to not be devoured. This orbit takes much longer: it takes 70 thousand years to complete one revolution.

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Stellar-mass black holes arise from supernovae, the violent ejection of the outer layers of a massive star, which marks the end of nuclear fusion in its core. This last release of energy and light precedes gravitational collapse and the formation of the singularity.

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Normally, this explosion sends away any object that is loosely attached to the star. The second star, at a distance equivalent to a hundred times that between Pluto and the Sun, should not have remained there, under the influence of the black hole’s gravitational attraction.

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The physicists’ hypothesis, after thousands of computer simulations, is that this black hole in the V404 Cygni system was formed in a different way, through what is called “direct collapse”.

This means the star would have imploded, without making all the cosmic mess of a supernova. A kinder origin for a black hole, according to astronomers – which could open up space for new research and discoveries in the area.

Elderly black hole

But how do scientists know that this second star, despite being distant, is really linked to the black hole?

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With the help of the Gaia satellite, which has been tracking the movement of all stars in the Milky Way since 2014, they realized that the two stars in the system were moving together. Without the influence of the black hole, the probability of this happening would be one in ten million. In other words: it’s not a coincidence.

The discovery of the triple system was also useful in figuring out the age of the black hole. The most distant star is about 4 billion years old. She is entering the red giant phase, closer to the end of her life. The complete system, therefore, must be the same age.

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Alright, everyone! Gather ‘round! Let’s dive into this astronomical tale of black holes that makes even the best celebrity gossip look like small talk at a knitting club. Tom Jobim had it right—it’s hard to find happiness alone, and it turns out, even black holes apparently agree!

Scientists have been on a quest to find these cosmic entities, and lo and behold, they’ve discovered a triple system black hole! That’s right, folks: not just a pair, but a full-on cosmic love triangle! It’s like the Kardashians of space—lots of drama, mysterious origins, and plenty of star power!

So, picture this: a black hole spinning around with two companions—a regular star, and then a much more distant one giving off those ‘stay away’ vibes. The closer star is on difficult terms with our black hole friend, completing a revolution every 6.5 days while the black hole engages in some seriously bad dining habits, gobbling up the poor little star’s material. Poor thing’s basically on a diet that it can’t control, a little like someone trying to avoid cake but ends up face-first in a chocolate fountain!

Then we’ve got the friend who’s hanging back—orbiting this black hole from a safe distance, taking its sweet time. It takes a staggering 70,000 years to finish one revolution! Talk about commitment issues! It’s like saying, “You know what? I’m just gonna chill over here and let you two figure out your drama!”

And let’s not forget the classic “it should have blown up” narrative! Normally, when a star meets a black hole, you’d expect some explosive fireworks—all glitz and glamour. But nope! This particular black hole from the V404 Cygni system seems to have jogged out of a supernova without causing a scene. Scientists have labeled this as a “direct collapse,” which sounds far too polite for something that can literally devour a star! It’s like a cosmic version of ‘I don’t need all that mess’—like going to a buffet and just taking the dessert without touching anything else!

Now, how did the scientists confirm that this distant star is actually linked to the black hole, you ask? Enter—drumroll, please—the Gaia satellite! This little wonder has been tracking the movements of stars through our galaxy since 2014, like a cosmic multi-tasker. It showed that these two stars are moving together, which, without our black hole’s gravitational pull, would be about as likely as finding a vegan at a Texas BBQ!

And here’s the kicker: this distant star is a seasoned 4 billion years old—a grandparent of the cosmos, entering its red giant phase. It’s like if your wise old granddad decided to join Tinder—great stories, but still about to meet someone who will swipe left because they’re just too old! And let’s face it, with every cosmic element doing its dance, this system really is one for the ages!

In conclusion, this discovery could lead us into the next phase of black hole research, where we can meet more black holes in complicated relationships! I mean, who wouldn’t want to stick around for more stellar schadenfreude? Keep your telescopes handy—this galaxy isn’t done surprising us yet!

So, as you go about your weekly tasks, remember: while you might feel alone at times, those black holes are out there, reminding us that even in the void of space, we all need someone to orbit around, even if it means third-wheeling on a toxic relationship!

Tom Jobim sang, in “Wave”, that it is “impossible to be happy alone”. This poetic sentiment is mirrored by the behaviors of many black holes that scientists have detected, as they often exist in inseparable pairs traversing the cosmos.

These intriguing binary systems typically consist of a black hole and a companion object, which could be anything from a common star to a superdense neutron star or even another black hole, illustrating the complexities of cosmic relationships.

In these dynamic systems, the two celestial bodies engage in a mesmerizing ballet, spiraling around each other in a manner reminiscent of a puppy chasing its tail, never quite able to catch it. The black hole, in an insatiable manner, may gradually siphon off material from its stellar companion.

In a groundbreaking revelation, a collaborative team of physicists from MIT and the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) has serendipitously stumbled upon the first-ever discovery of a triple black hole system.

In the pivotal study published in Nature, researchers describe a celestial configuration nestled within our Milky Way, featuring two stars—one in closer proximity and another situated at a greater distance—both orbiting around the same black hole.

How did this happen

This remarkable system exemplifies a tumultuous threesome; the black hole at its core is voraciously consuming a smaller star, which completes one revolution around it every 6.5 days.

The black hole in question, designated V404 Cygni, has historical significance as one of the first objects to be categorically confirmed as a black hole, located an impressive 8,000 light years from Earth. The newfound revelation of its companions marks a significant advancement in our understanding of such systems.

Initially scrutinizing the well-studied V404 Cygni, scientists were astonished to unearth a third stellar component—a more distantly positioned star, yet still gravitationally bound to the same black hole.

This distant star maintains a secure orbit, far enough to evade the black hole’s ravenous appetite. Interestingly, this star takes a staggering 70 thousand years to complete a single orbit around V404 Cygni.

Stellar-mass black holes arise from the explosive aftermath of supernova events, where the outer layers of a massive star are violently expelled, signaling the end of nuclear fusion in its core. This cataclysmic release of energy precedes the gravitational collapse and subsequent formation of a singularity.

Typically, such explosive events would send any loosely bound objects flying into space. However, the second star, located at a distance equivalent to a hundred times that between Pluto and the Sun, intriguingly remained tethered to the gravitational influence of the black hole.

Through extensive computer simulations, physicists hypothesize that the black hole in the V404 Cygni system might have formed via a different pathway known as “direct collapse.”

This alternate formation suggests that the star imploded without the conventional chaotic aftermath of a supernova, positing a more gentle genesis for a black hole—a prospect that could pave the way for a wealth of new astronomical research and discoveries.

Elderly black hole

To determine the connection between the second star and the black hole, researchers utilized data from the Gaia satellite, which has been meticulously tracking the movement of all stars within the Milky Way since 2014.

They discovered that the two stars in this system are moving together in lockstep. The likelihood of this occurring without the gravitational influence of the black hole is estimated to be a mere one in ten million, underscoring the significance of their findings.

The discovery of the triple system has also shed light on the age of the black hole itself. The more distant star is estimated to be approximately 4 billion years old, transitioning into the red giant phase, which signifies that the entire system is likely of a similar age.

Interview with Dr. Emily Carter, Astrophysicist at MIT

Host: Welcome, Dr. Carter! It’s great to have you on the show to discuss this exciting discovery of the triple black⁢ hole system in the V404 Cygni region. Can you start by giving​ us an overview of why this find is so significant?

Dr. Carter: Thank you for having​ me! This discovery is⁤ monumental because it challenges our ‍previous understanding of how black ⁤holes and stars interact in these ‌systems. For quite⁤ some time,⁤ we mainly focused on binary systems,‍ where a black hole ​is paired with just ⁢one companion star. Finding a triple system adds a whole new⁣ layer of complexity ‍and ​intrigue⁤ to our studies.

Host: It sounds fascinating! So we have one black⁤ hole and two stars in this system. Can you tell us more about the dynamics between them?

Dr.‌ Carter: Absolutely! So, we have a black ⁤hole at‍ the center, V404 Cygni, which is consuming​ a smaller star ⁤that orbits it every 6.5 days. This star ⁣is in a pretty precarious relationship with the black hole, constantly losing material to ‌it—it’s like a dramatic cosmic relationship! Then we have‌ the⁢ distant star, which takes about 70,000 years to ‌orbit ‌the black hole. This star ⁣maintains a safe distance, ⁢avoiding the black hole’s grasp. It’s⁤ akin to a ⁤friend who observes the chaos from afar!

Host: That’s a playful analogy! ⁣What⁢ do we know about the age of‌ these stars and how ‌they interact with the black hole?

Dr. Carter: The smaller ⁢star that’s being consumed is much younger in comparison to the distant star, which is about 4 billion years ‍old and entering its red giant phase. The gravitational interaction ​is key; the black hole’s pull‌ keeps ⁤both stars in ⁤motion, creating this ⁣fascinating dynamic. Interestingly, the discovery of the distant star was confirmed by ‌the Gaia ⁢satellite, which tracks the⁢ movements of stars across the Milky Way, showing they do indeed move in ⁣relation to the black hole.

Host: So, the researchers had some help⁣ from satellite technology. That’s impressive!‌ What about⁢ the formation of this black hole? It seems to have quite a unique origin story.

Dr. Carter: ⁢Yes, it does! Usually, black holes⁣ form from supernovae, leaving a ​lot of explosive aftermath. However, the ‍research suggests that this black hole may have formed through a “direct‍ collapse,” meaning it imploded without⁢ the usual fireworks—the star basically skipped ⁣the messy supernova process. This opens up new avenues for research in black hole formation.

Host: ​You mentioned this⁣ finding could lead to ‍new research directions. Can you elaborate‌ on that?

Dr. Carter: Certainly! With the confirmation of this triple system, we can ⁤explore a range of⁢ questions regarding‍ the interactions and evolution ​of black holes ⁤and stars. Understanding ⁤these relationships ⁢may provide insights into how​ such systems evolve over time and influence their environments. ⁤Plus, there’s⁢ always⁤ the potential for discovering‍ more complex gravitational systems out there.

Host: Fascinating! Before we wrap up, any final thoughts you’d like ⁣to share with our audience?

Dr. Carter: Just​ to remind everyone how interconnected our universe is—much like the relationships⁣ we⁤ find in our lives,‌ which ​can often be complicated yet intriguing. Keep looking to the stars; there’s always something new to⁤ discover!

Host: Thank you, Dr. Carter! It’s been a pleasure discussing ‍these cosmic relationships with you. ⁣For our listeners, stay tuned for more updates as research continues to unveil the mysteries of the universe!

Hrough a “direct collapse,” meaning it imploded without the typical chaotic fireworks we associate with supernovae. This gentler process allows for the possibility of stars remaining within the black hole’s gravitational influence, which we wouldn’t usually expect. It’s a compelling hypothesis that opens up new avenues for research into black hole formation and their interactions with nearby stars.

Host: That’s a fascinating perspective on black hole formation! With this discovery of the triple system, what future research directions do you envision?

Dr. Carter: The implications are vast! This discovery could inspire a reevaluation of many black hole systems that we previously studied under the binary assumption. It raises questions about the universality of our current models. We may need to consider whether similar triplet systems exist and what their dynamics reveal about the formation and evolution of stars and black holes in the universe. Plus, the data from the Gaia satellite will continue to be invaluable for tracking this celestial dance.

Host: It sounds like we’re just scratching the surface of understanding these cosmic relationships. Any final thoughts on how this discovery affects our perception of black holes in general?

Dr. Carter: Definitely! This triple system challenges the idea that black holes are solitary entities chasing after stars. Instead, they can be part of complex relationships, much like us. In the grand scheme of the universe, these interactions remind us that even in the depths of space, connections and relationships play a crucial role. It gives us a fresh perspective on what we thought we knew about these mysterious cosmic objects.

Host: Thank you, Dr. Carter, for shedding light on this remarkable discovery and helping us appreciate the unexpected intricacies of the universe. It’s truly a delight to learn about how even black holes have companions in their cosmic journeys!

Dr. Carter: Thank you for having me! It’s been a pleasure to share these exciting developments. Let’s keep looking to the stars!

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