Scientists detect the first cases of H5N1 avian influenza in penguins in Antarctica | Future America

Scientists detect the first cases of H5N1 avian influenza in penguins in Antarctica | Future America | THE COUNTRY America




The disease has had a serious impact on birds and marine mammals in South America

Bird flu detected in Antarctica


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Researchers collect wildlife samples in the Chilean Antarctic Territory on March 13, 2024.Photo: Instituto Antartico Chileno/Reuters | Video: Reuters
The country

Experts have raised alarm bells after detecting the first cases of H5N1 avian influenza in penguins residing in Antarctica. The presence of the virus, which has decimated the populations of marine mammals and birds in South America, worries the scientific community. The positive cases included nine Adelie penguins and one Antarctic cormorant. The virus was first found in skua seabirds on continental Antarctica last month.


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