Science Proves Civilization Players Are Good Managers

According to a study published in a management research journal, Civilization players make good managers. The work is called “Good gamers, good managers? Sid Meier’s Civilization study”. It was published in a past life – in 2020, but only now attracted attention of the redds.

The researchers set themselves the goal of analyzing potential managerial abilities not only in the gamification format, but taking a real game as a basis. They put several dozen students to play Civilization – which part is not said, but it can be assumed that Civilization 6, where many modern concepts are present. After that, certain sets of skills were measured, including the ability to solve problems and general management.

It turned out that those who play Civilization showed higher results than those who do not play Civ. The researchers also noted that other in-game data, such as chat messages before the start of the campaign, can help in assessing the personality of a person and his approach to communication. However, this applies more to strategy games – the team did not recommend conducting a similar analysis in other games. Still, it’s one thing when it comes to Civ chat and another when it’s Fortnite.

Naturally, all this does not mean that playing Civilization 6 you will be the best leader. Correlation and causation are two different things. People who are interested in games like Civilization are already naturally more inclined towards management, planning and seeing the big picture.

Although there is no doubt that games like Civilization can teach something useful. Civilopedia includes real historical facts and information on a variety of topics. And multiplayer matches in Civilization allow you to practice the ability of long-term planning of actions.

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