Science: Celebrity brain researcher is said to have falsified studies | Life & Knowledge –

Scandal in the Lab: Allegations of Fraud Against Brain Researcher Eliezer Masliah

Oh, boys and girls, it looks like the world of neuroscience is about to get a jolt that even coffee can’t compete with! Eliezer Masliah, a big cheese in brain research, is under fire for allegedly cooking the books in his studies. Yes, you heard that right! This isn’t your average “I forgot to cite my sources” type of mess. We’re talking about accusations of outright fraud—something that will give the average student a heart attack!

The Shocking Revelations

According to a bombshell report published by the renowned scientific journal Science, Masliah has been accused of falsifying numerous studies related to Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. You know, the kind of diseases that already have everyone worried enough at family gatherings! Apparently, investigators found a treasure trove of “obviously fake” Western blots and micrographs in his research. We’re not talking about slightly doctored images—these are as fake as a three-dollar bill!

Foundation Shaky as Medications Tested on Humans

But wait, it gets juicier—some of the studies in question are the very foundation for medications currently being tested on living, breathing humans. That moment when you realize that the ‘wonder drug’ you signed up for might have come from a lab run by a dude who thinks Photoshop is a research tool. Talk about a headache!

Masliah: From Fame to Infamy

In 2016, Masliah took the helm as the director of the Division of Neuroscience at the National Institute on Aging—a leading organization in aging research with a staggering budget of $2.6 billion in 2023. Did you hear that correctly? Billion! And now it seems some of that cash may have been riding on the back of dodgy experiments. How’s that for a funding request?!

Experts React

The fallout is already being felt, as the expert dossier citing over 300 pages of suspicious images looks like a horror show you wouldn’t even want to binge. Neuroscientist Christian Haass was quoted saying he “basically fell out of [his] chair” upon reading the allegations. I mean, I’d be falling out of something much stronger after hearing that someone might have been pulling the wool over the entire scientific community’s eyes!

The Damage Control

The German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) has decided—quite wisely, I might add—not to comment on these serious allegations until an official investigation wraps up. A spokesperson stated they will patiently await the results. Meanwhile, Dr. Linda Thienpont from the Alzheimer Research Initiative expressed her disappointment, noting that it’s “disappointing that a renowned scientist violates the principles of good scientific practice so blatantly.” You think?!

What’s Next?

So here we are, folks! A world-renowned neuroscientist facing embarrassment, scientific integrity in tatters, and medications in limbo—all thanks to some creative “experimentation.” Let’s hope this leads to a thorough investigation and that recipes from the lab become just as trustworthy as grandma’s apple pie.

Stay tuned as we keep our eyes peeled on this slip-up that’s more dramatic than a Game of Thrones final season twist! Remember, in the world of science, honesty is the best policy—because we all want our brains in good hands, not tweeted or Instagrammed into oblivion!

Allegations of fraud against one of the most famous brain researchers in the world! Eliezer Masliah (65) is said to have falsified numerous studies, reports the renowned scientific journal “Science”.

Masliah gained fame primarily through his research into Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. An investigation of “Science” revealed that many of his laboratory studies “are riddled with obviously fake Western blots – images intended to show the presence of proteins – and obviously fake micrographs of brain tissue.”

Particularly explosive: Some of the affected studies are the basis of medications that are already being tested on humans!

▶︎ Masliah became director of the Division of Neuroscience at the National Institute on Aging in 2016 (NIA), the leading organization for aging research in the USA (2023 budget: 2.6 billion dollars). Masliah himself has not yet commented on the allegations. According to Science, he is considered one of the “most cited researchers in his field.” But over the last two years, questions have emerged about his research: a 300-page dossier from a team of experts now shows “a constant stream of suspicious images between 1997 and 2023 in 132 research papers he published.”

Science had the expert dossier reviewed by 11 neuroscientists. The specialist magazine quotes neuroscientist Christian Haass from the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich as saying: “People will of course be shocked, like I was. I basically fell out of my chair.”

“Image damage is considerable”

The German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DAYS) does not want to comment on the allegations for the time being. Spokeswoman Sabine Hoffmann told BILD: “We are waiting for the results of an official investigation into this process, which there will certainly be.”

Dr. Linda Thienpont, deputy managing director of the Alzheimer Research Initiative eVsaid to BILD: “It is disappointing that a renowned scientist violates the principles of good scientific practice so blatantly and thereby abuses trust.” The human biologist continued: “The damage to the image of neuroscience is considerable, but dementia research remains on a solid level Foundation.”



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