Science and health: the “world stool bank”, which scientists create in Switzerland

  • André Biernath – @andre_biernath
  • BBC News, Brasilia and London

news/240/cpsprodpb/13CFA/production/_128464118_gettyimages-1451846754.jpg 240w, 320w, 480w, 624w, 800w" alt="Le microbiote intestinal est composé de plus de 100 000 milliards de bactéries et autres créatures microscopiques." attribution="Getty Images" layout="responsive" src="" height="549" width="976" data-hero="true"/>

Photo credit, Getty Images

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The gut microbiota is made up of over 100 trillion bacteria and other microscopic creatures.

Different species of bacteria are threatened with extinction – and the best way to preserve them is to deposit samples of faeces and other biological materials from around the world in a large vault located in Switzerland.

This is the proposal of a group of scientists who have already started working on this collection of microorganisms…

In the future, this initiative, which brings together universities from several regions of the world, might also lead to new treatments for various chronic non-communicable diseases, such as obesity and asthma.

But what is the importance of the creation of this bank? And what is behind this widespread disappearance of bacteria in the world?

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