Schooling allophones, a still fragile and insufficiently evaluated policy – Senate

2023-03-21 23:00:00

The summary

Pursuant to Article 58-2° of the organic law of 1 August 2001 relating to finance laws, the Senate Finance Committee has commissioned the Court of Auditors to carry out an investigation into the schooling of allophone pupils, that is, whose mother tongue is not French.

While the number of allophone pupils educated in France has doubled in twenty years and the massive enrollment of Ukrainian pupils in the spring of 2022 was on the whole a success, an in-depth analysis on this subject was lacking. This was all the more regrettable since the cost of education for allophone pupils is estimated at 180 million euros, to which must be added the expenditure of the State and local authorities for schooling in an ordinary environment, school infrastructure and extracurricular times.

Several findings noted by the Court of Auditors and shared by the special rapporteur of the “School education” mission Gérard Longuet, can be retained.

Firstly, the schooling of these students is not well known, the data concerning the students as well as the teachers not being consolidated and not really allowing evaluation throughout the schooling.

In addition, schooling in teaching units for incoming allophone pupils (UPE2A), while it allows individualized support for the pupil, which should be commended, amounts to concentrating most of the efforts on the first two years of schooling.

In addition, the regulatory framework of the schooling policy for allophone pupils is now partially obsolete and does not take into account the latest legislative developments, in particular concerning the obligation of training between 16 and 18 years of age.

Finally, the training of teachers, crucial to enable the integration of these students, must be further formalized and encouraged.

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