Schoolchildren are prohibited from referring to anime, comics and games in the OGE – Afisha Daily

Schoolchildren taking the OGE in Russian in 2025 are prohibited from referring to anime, manga, fan fiction, comics and computer games in their essays. This follows from the updated version of the control and measurement materials (CMM) on the website of the Federal Institute for Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI).

We are talking about task 13.3 (an essay-reasoning on a given topic), where you need to give an example from other works: “It is not allowed to refer to such genres as comics, anime, manga, fan fiction, graphic novel, computer game.”

In March, schoolchildren taking the Unified State Exam in Russian were allowed to refer to these same materials in an essay assignment. The assessment of the essay depends on the relevance and validity of the example given.

Last year it became known that the Unified State Exam in Literature in 2024 would remove works and authors from periods before the mid-19th century. FIPI “with a slight movement of the hand excluded Pushkin, Lermontov and Gogol, Griboyedov, Zhukovsky, Fonvizin, Derzhavin from the training program,” said philologist and associate professor at St. Petersburg State University Nikolai Karpov.



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