School seizures: rights organizations repudiated the “acts of intimidation and intimidation” of the Buenos Aires government | “Youth does not loosen”

Human rights organizations They held a press conference this Monday “in solidarity” with the students of the City of Buenos Aires “who are suffering acts of intimidation and intimidation” by the Government of Horacio Rodríguez Larreta. “The only fight that is lost is the one that is abandoned, so don’t abandon it”advised the referent of the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo Founding Line Taty Almeida to the students who maintain occupations in their schools to claim for their rights.

“We’re here to support you guys, to support all the just claims you’re making. And congratulate the fathers, mothers, grandmothers and all those who are supporting them and that at no time have they been left alone,” said Almeida, surrounded by representatives of other human rights organizations.

“Personally, and I think the same thing happens to all of us, I felt very moved and I still am, because I see that youth does not loosen”confessed the referent.

And he added, in a message full of experience: “Don’t loosen up, don’t lower your arms. Remember what we mothers do and say 45 years ago: the only fight that is lost is the one that is abandoned, so don’t abandon it. They will always count on our support, defending ( once morest) the violation of human rights as Larreta and company are doing.”

As a counterpart to the harassment exerted by the Buenos Aires government, Almeida highlighted the reaction “without any type of violence” that the students are havingdemanding justice in a “legal way, never by their own hand”.

At the end, she was moved “to see that these brave young people, despite the unfortunate threats they and their families have received, have not lowered their arms.”

One is hopeful, because of you the pencils will continue writing”concluded the referent of Mothers of Plaza de Mayo Founding Line.

“It is inadmissible that we witness patrol cars at the school gates”

Representing Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo, the returned grandson Guillermo Pérez Roisinblit also expressed his “concern” regarding the escalation of violence in recent days: “It is inadmissible that we witness patrolmen at the school gates taking pictures and intimidating the families of the students”he pointed.

They also spoke out, in repudiation “of the decision of the government of Horacio Rodríguez Larreta to stigmatize, denounce, and persecute the students who fight and the fathers and mothers of those students”, the referent of Hijos Capital Charly Pisoni and, on behalf of the Cels, Diego Morales, who warned that “The strategy of inhibiting through judicial pressure, or through economic pressure on each of the families, seems to us legally unfeasible and politically unfortunate.”

On behalf of the UTE-Ctera union, Angélica Graciano announced that this Tuesday “a measure of force will be carried out, not only to accompany the student movement, but also to tell Larreta and Acuña to invest in schools“since they have been lowering the education budget for more than 15 years, and these are the consequences”. The teachers unions called to gather from 4:00 p.m. at the Mariano Acosta school, located on 277 Urquiza street, and from 5:00 p.m. on Caseros and La Rioja streets to march to the Government Headquarters of the City of Buenos Aires .

rejection of the persecution

The conference took place this followingnoon at the headquarters of Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayowhere members of that body, of mothers and children they congregated for “hug the students” and denounce that the City Police uses “the weapons given by the State to persecute adolescents”.

The objective of the conference, they explained in the announcement, is to repudiate the persecution of students and family members by the government of Together for Change who supported the takeovers of schools in recent weeks. Also express support for the claims of students for better food, once morest internships that force them to work for free in companies during school hours and demanding solutions to various building problems.

human rights organizations “They have been observing with great concern what is happening with the boys” during the takings, but particularly “with the persecution” of the City Police that “infiltrates plainclothes agents” to later persecute those who protest once morest the Buenos Aires administration, they pointed out.

“It’s all too worrying”

The deputy and president of the Human Rights Commission of the Buenos Aires Legislature, Victoria Montenegrowarned this Monday, prior to the conference, that the key to the harassment once morest students and family members who support the occupations in schools lies in the Justice of the city of Buenos Aires, which “enables the entire cataract of abuses that it carries out” the administration of Together for Change.

What happens with Justice in the City is that there is practically no justice. The Buenos Aires ‘judicial party’ is the one that enables the entire cataract of abuses carried out by the head of government” Horacio Rodriguez Larretadenounced the legislator.

“The persecution with criminal cases to fathers and mothers of students, plainclothes police infiltrating, the threatsthe harassmentthe publication of private data in the networks so that the students are harassed. It’s all too worrying“Montenegro listed.

For this reason, “the organizations are embracing our young people, asking for respect for the rights and actions that have to do with responses to demands that must be heard and resolved”, he defined during an interview by La Patriada.

The legislator placed a particular emphasis on the security force that depends on the City Government. She maintained that the police not only put pressure on those who carry out shots but also “do nothing” when some people come to schools to attack students.

“We saw adults who approached the schools armed to threaten the children and there were no police caring for them”he questioned.

He also rejected the accusations of the Buenos Aires Minister of Education, Soledad Acuna, who accused the Frente de Todos of encouraging the seizures. “He denounced that FdT deputies handed out step-by-step manuals on how to take a shot. Those are issues that they never existed but that are denounced in the media as absolute truths”, he criticized.



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