Oaxaca, Oaxaca. September 9.- This Friday, the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the UABJO inaugurated the 2022-2023 School Year, this ceremony was led by the Rector Cristian Carreño López, accompanied by the Director of the Academic Unit Martha Silvia Martínez Luna.

The Rector shared a message where he recognized that the Faculty of Medicine is recognized as one of the best in its field and when addressing students he stressed the responsibility that belongs to said Academic Unit and to raise the name of his University. The career you have chosen requires a lot of discipline, every day you must prove to yourself that you can improve and be better and put into practice the motto of our University: Science, Art and Freedom.

Within the framework of the event, awards were given to outstanding students of the three degrees that make up the FMC: Medicine and Surgery, Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy; for having obtained the best averages of the previous cycle.

The members of the presidium presented the respective awards, as well as a special distinction to Miguel Niño Arias, for having obtained the highest average in the 2022 general admission exam.

Subsequently, the emblematic Ceremony of “Imposition of gown” was carried out for the five best averages that entered the Faculty, by doctors belonging to the teaching staff. In this regard, Dr. Gema Hernández Bernardino shared a few words regarding the meaning of this tradition among medical professionals.



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