School calendar in the Balearic Islands 2024-2025: when the school year starts, holidays and vacations

Several girls in a school in Spain (David Zorrakino, Europa Press)

The last days of August are a reality check: for some it means going back to work and, for others, the start of a new school year. With the return to school, we not only have to keep an eye on the necessary student material, but also on the key dates that will mark the academic year.

In this case, we take into account the calendar for non-university centres in the Balearic Islands, after it was approved by the School Calendar Advisory Council in April of this year, being one of the Autonomous Communities that will delay its return to the classrooms the most.

The start of the new school year will take place on Wednesday 11 September for all students in the Balearic archipelago, with the exception of university students and vocational training students. In addition, students from the Higher Conservatory of Music and those from the Higher School of Dramatic Art are also included in this exception.

As for the final day of the academic year, as a general rule, it will be on June 20. Likewise, second-year high school students will have a different end-of-year day. According to the Government of the Balearic Islands, they will end on May 22 so that “they can participate in the consolidation teaching activities before the start of the university entrance exams.”

In this way, the school year will have a total of 176 teaching days for basic education. To find this number, we must also consider non-teaching days, which include holidays celebrated in the middle of the school year.

School calendar of the Balearic Islands, including all types of basic education (Government of the Balearic Islands)

Regarding the non-teaching days of this school year in the Balearic Islands, we must take into account several factors. Firstly, the most important holidays throughout the course are Christmas and Easter. Therefore, there will be no classes between December 21, 2024 and January 7, 2025 (both included) to celebrate the Christmas holiday, while from Thursday 17 to Sunday 27 April there will also be no classes due to the Easter period.

Among the holidays that also affect the school calendar are Carnival, which will take place from February 27 to March 5, and White Week, which coincides in part with the carnival dates (it lasts until March 16) and where educational centers will be responsible for deciding which days are not school days. Finally, it is worth highlighting local celebrations, which will depend on the municipality where the school is located.

On the other hand, there are also numerous individual days that are public holidays in the Balearic Islands, as well as in the national ones, and that fall on school days. Among these, we can find November 1 (All Saints’ Day), December 6 (Constitution Day), February 28 (Unified School Holiday) and May 1 (International Workers’ Day).



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