School by day, milonga by night: he is the son of an iconic tango couple and now teaches 2×4 in a …

He Center for Tango Studies in Buenos Aires (CETBA)known as the University of Tangois filled with people coming and going. And above all, dancing. The hallways, the dining room and any space that seems to be for rest, do not rest. Students and teachers of the establishment are in charge of giving life to every corner of the Republic of Paraguay School (Agrelo 3231) Located in the neighborhood of Balvanera. From 6pm to 10pm, that educational space dresses up in tango to welcome its entire suburban community.

One of the many people who walk around and listen to the melodies of the best Buenos Aires orchestras that play around the place is Eric Dinzelwho at 35 years old is the Director of the Instructorship of Tango Dance from CETBA. His history with this school began in childhood, also by hearing, since his parents, Gloria and Rodolfo Dinzel (The Dinzels)were the founders in 1991 of this school dedicated exclusively to tango. But they did not only do that, they were also protagonists of “Argentine Tango”the show that shone in New York (Broadway), Paris and in the main capitals of the world in the 1990s, which marked the resurgence of this quintessential Buenos Aires music on a global level.

The Educational Center is a training space exclusively dedicated to tango.


In turn, “The Dinzels” They undertook an exhaustive study that took them 20 years to complete on a system for teaching tango dance. “They already had in their life project the vision of developing a public institution for everyone,” explains Eric. He adds: “I believe that my parents have taken it upon themselves to transmit tango in a way that makes sure that the legacy is not carried on by just one person. Although I feel that all the work they did is my own, I try to continue it from my point of view.”

He Educational Center is a training space exclusively dedicated to tangowhich belongs to the Ministry of Education of the City Government and concerns the area of ​​non-formal education of skills for work. This public and free institution has been operating for more than 33 years and is open to anyone over 18 years of age who wants to learn about 2×4.

“I believe that my parents have been in charge of transmitting tango in a way that ensures that the legacy is not carried on by just one person.” (Eric Dinzel)


The formation of CETBA It is the most complete at the national level and its curriculum is divided into three areas. One is the Tango Dance Instructor Coursewhich is a three-year academic training. Another is that of Tanguistic Artswhich is divided into History, Poetry, the school of Lyricists and Musicalization. Those who graduate in this last branch are known in the environment as tango DJs. One of these graduates is Diego Fonsalidawho has even provided music for milongas in the city of Hannover, Germany. “Being a tango DJ means knowing how to read the behaviour of a milonga, you have to take into account the state of the dance floor, the mood of the people, their reaction, what they say and how they act in different situations,” says the dance instructor and organiser of tango events.

Within the CETBA there is also the area of Workshops open to the communitywhich anyone can freely go and walk through. “From our place, we believe that it is important to preserve spaces like this, because tango belongs to us, it is the cultural identity of both the City and Argentina in the world,” reflects Eric Dinzel.

“From our place, we believe that it is important to preserve spaces like this, because tango belongs to us, it is the cultural identity of both the City and Argentina in the world.” (Eric Dinzel)


“Today, tango can be found and danced in every corner of the planet and the fact that there is a free and open institution of the City Government seems extremely enriching to the educational policy that tango is taught and that it continues forever,” says the dancer, regarding the global reach not only of 2×4, but of the institution itself, since CETBA has been issuing student visas for ten years and welcomes people from all over the world who left their home country to come to Buenos Aires to train and stay to live in Argentina; or who returned to their lands of origin to be ambassadors of this culture there. Eva Falxa She is one of those graduates, who came from France and fell in love with tango in the city. “For me, this university is the place where my journey began. It is much more than a place for tango classes, it is a school that I carry in my heart,” she says.

Adding all the training spaces, in 2024 the Educational Center has around one million students. 700 people registered. In addition, with respect to the Tango Dance Instructor Course, about 1,000 graduates each year. 40 students.

Another of the peculiarities of this school is the wide age range that receives. Always start from the 18 years oldwhich is the age you have to be to study here, although people who decide to approach the study of tango have also been received. until after 80 and close to 90 years.

In 2024, the Educational Center has around 700 people enrolled.


Added to this is his close relationship with the Buenos Aires Tango Festival and World Cupsince it has been the headquarters for six years, participating with class days, seminars and opening the space to do the “CETBA Milonga”There is also a close relationship between the community actors of the institution, such as Gabriel Soriawho is the Director of Tango Arts and was Director of the Festival for a long time.

“Tango represents us, the people of Buenos Aires, like no other form of expression. And Tango BA is the greatest gathering of this civic art for which we are recognized throughout the world. It is an unforgettable celebration,” said the head of government, Jorge Macri, during the opening of the festival at the Usina del Arte.

CETBA training is the most comprehensive in the country.


Teachers from the Universidad del Tango often participate as judges of the World Championship, like Dinzel himself, and students who compete edition after edition. One of them is Amanda Pavanettocurrent professor and graduate of the university, who in 2024 participates with her dance and life partner, Sergio Rivadeneira, in the branch of Tango TrackShe is from Rosario, he is from Colombia, but Buenos Aires and the CETBA classes united them in the embrace of tango and they found in their hearts the ideal center of gravity to carry out their dance and their projects by giving classes, exhibitions and traveling. “My partner was the person who really marked me, since he transmitted to me all his love for this art that we now share,” she confesses.

The story of Amanda and Sergio is not the only love story in the tango school. Eric Dinzel also found that feeling thanks to dance. “This is done by two and, in that sense, 11 years ago I met a woman with whom I form not only a tango couple, but also a life couple,” he says about his wife, Flavia Kohutwho -like him- is also a teacher at CETBA and whom he met at his parents’ studio, the one that Eric first entered at the age of 17, after his father Rodolfo invited him to join one of the classes. What started as a hobby became a love for tango. Or simply love.

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