Scholz-Macron, watch out for those two. Their governments are in the balance, but they impose vetoes on Italy –

Thomas Manni

Manfred Weber, in his Roman descent, revealed what everyone knew: the formation of the Ursula bis has passed from the vetoes of France and Germany to Meloni and the conservatives. “Out of the game after the vetoes of Macron and Scholz. It is right to help her but she must become pro-European” he declared yesterday in the closed-door meeting with Fitto, Meloni and Tajani. It was clear as day that, despite the vote expressed by European citizens, the ball in Brussels is still in the hands of the Populars, Socialists and Liberals. For this reason there could be no room for Meloni and the conservatives. Not to mention that Salvini’s move towards the new group led by Orban (who left ECR) represented another element that the supporters of the Ursula majority did not like. The non-negligible detail is that Macron and Scholz still dictate the law at the Berlaymont building even though they do not touch the ball at home.

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Macron, after having created the anti-Le Pen ragtag group of the New Popular Front and having put the vote on the formation of a left-wing government, has, in effect, pushed France into a dead end. And in the meantime, the left has called for street demonstrations on September 7 precisely against Macron’s decision not to entrust them with the leadership of the government. An executive that at this point is becoming increasingly complicated to compose. On the other hand, there is the German Chancellor who came in second in the last elections. The SPD (Social Democratic Party of Germany) has been overtaken by the conservatives of the CDU-CSU and the far-right party of the AfD. The good thing is that Italy still has allies in Europe. It is no coincidence that Weber declared: “I want to see Italy among the countries that lead the Union and this is the reason why I am here. My party, which is Tusk’s, won the elections. We are the centrist force that has gained the largest number of parliamentarians, even compared to socialists and liberals. It is up to us to define the agenda of the contents”. And again: “For me as leader of the EPP it is impossible to ignore or isolate Italy. It is a central country in Europe, one of the founding fathers. In Italy there is a pro-European population, there is no party that wants to leave the euro as in other countries. I will always work to include Italy in the decision-making process”, declared the leader of the EPP group in the European Parliament. According to Weber, “compared to two years ago, the perception that we have in Europe of Giorgia Meloni is that she has changed considerably and that Tajani has contributed a lot. Now she is respected as prime minister, her center-right government is seen as pro-European, a credible government that is trying to solve the problems”, he stated.

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And, in this sense, we cannot forget that the policies set by Italy have constituted a model that many have then adopted in Europe. On the immigration front, thanks to the agreements with Tunisia and Albania, Italy has allowed the pressure to be eased on Europe as well. And, despite the lack of support from the conservatives for von der Leyen’s re-election, Europe still needs Italy, as Weber has also confirmed. So let Macron and his companions come to terms with it, the attempt to exclude Italy from the Commission’s game will not be able to completely succeed. And in this sense, Fitto’s name could be another of those elements that will allow a rapprochement between Brussels and Rome. His name is esteemed in Europe and we cannot think that a country like Italy, but above all the vote of European citizens, can be ignored just because two exes like Macron and Scholz want to continue to deal the cards.

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#ScholzMacron #watch #governments #balance #impose #vetoes #Italy #Tempo
2024-09-01 00:32:03



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