Schollin about missing Hans

Schollin about missing Hans

It will soon be four months since Hans Wahlgren’s passing. Christina Schollin, 86, opens up about the loss.
– I wake up in the morning and have no one to say good morning to me, who eats breakfast with me and who I can talk to about everything. The loss is monumental, she says.

Christina Schollin has started rehearsing for the play “Fanny and Alexander”. It is a heavy role in a work by Ingmar Bergman. And she takes it on right after her husband’s tragic death. Even though she said she would never appear on stage again.

– Sometimes you get a request that you absolutely cannot say no to, says Christina Schollin.

– Hans was involved in the decision, he said: “You should definitely take this, it will be good for you”, and I feel that it is my salvation, she says.

Plays the role of grandmother

In the film “Fanny and Alexander” Christina Schollin played the German Lydia, in the play she will play the role of grandmother.

– This play touches my own life quite a bit. Grandmother has been an accomplished actress, who says “I liked being an actress, but I liked being a mother much better”. That’s roughly how I thought too, says Christina Schollin.

– I didn’t want to abandon the theatre, but my role as a mother was the one I liked best, says Christina Schollin.

It was that conflict – between family or work – that made her once break up with Ingmar Bergman, because Christina Schollin also wanted to be a mother.

– The family has always been the most important thing, but it has not been easy to combine acting with a theater career with one hundred percent presence, she says.

Created film history with Bergman

It has been over 40 years since the filming of “Fanny and Alexander”.

– Those of us who were in the film knew that we were now making film history. It was something so fantastic, a condensed atmosphere and Ingmar Bergman was in a great mood, says Christina Schollin.

Ingmar Bergman had a way of treating his actors so that you felt like you were the most talented actress in the universe. He was so interested in his actors, he made us bloom, she says.

Last Saturday 11:14

Schollin on missing Hans: “Must learn to live with the loneliness”

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