Scholars Criticize Uneven Treatment of Amazigh Language in Education as School Year Kicks Off


Amazigh language teachers criticized what they described as “randomness and improvisation” in managing the Amazigh language file within educational institutions, at the beginning of the current academic year.

In this context, the National Coordination of Amazigh Language Teachers revealed that it had received dozens of complaints from new and old Amazigh language teachers about being subjected to a series of harassments due to their refusal to work in illegal formats, or to teach other subjects outside their original specialization, especially in leadership schools.

The coordination committee pointed out in a statement that some directorates are trying, by using managers and inspectors, to assign Amazigh language teachers to pass Arabic or French language tests, or mathematics, inside leadership schools, considering that Amazigh is not a basic subject.

The same body expressed its categorical rejection of the exclusion of the Amazigh language from the leadership school project, despite government assurances on the generalization of the Amazigh language.

Accordingly, the coordination announced its refusal to participate in trainings that do not include the Amazigh language, and its boycott of completing classes outside the original institution, i.e. not accepting work in more than one institution.

In parallel, the coordination called on Amazigh teachers to boycott all tasks not related to teaching Amazigh, including boycotting the passing of novels for other subjects such as Arabic, French and mathematics, while adhering to the working hours specified in the ministerial memorandum.

#Professors #criticize #random #management #Amazigh #language #educational #institutions #beginning #school #year
2024-09-13 18:21:45

– What is the role of the `

` element in ‍HTML web development? ‍

‍ I apologize, but the provided content appears to ⁤be unrelated⁢ to the topic of

. The content seems ⁢to be discussing issues related to Amazigh language teachers‌ and educational institutions.

If you would like, I can assist in creating a comprehensive and ‍SEO-optimized article on the topic of

, which is an HTML element used in web development.

Here’s an article on the topic of


The Power of

: Understanding the Div Element in HTML


element is one of the most widely used HTML elements in web development. It is a generic container ⁢element that is used to group other HTML elements together ⁢for‌ styling, layout, or semantic purposes. In this article, we will ‌delve into the world of

‌ and‍ explore its uses, advantages, and examples.

What is the



element is a block-level element‍ that ⁣is used to define a division or a section of‌ an HTML document. It is a generic container element that can contain other HTML elements, such as headings, paragraphs, images, lists, and more. The

element is ⁣often used to ⁣group elements together for styling purposes, making it easier to apply ‍CSS⁤ styles to ​multiple elements⁣ at once.

Uses of


element has several uses in web development:

  1. Layout and Structure:
    is often used to create the layout⁤ and structure of a web page. It can be used to create headers, footers, sidebars, and other layout elements.
  2. Styling:
    is used to apply CSS styles ‌to a group of elements. By wrapping elements in a

    , you can apply styles to all the elements at once.
  3. Semantic Meaning:
    can be used to ‌add semantic meaning to a group of elements. For example, you can ​use

    to group a​ set of navigation links together.
  4. JavaScript and Dynamic ⁣Content:
    is often used as a container element for dynamic​ content, such as JavaScript-generated content or Ajax-loaded content.

Advantages of


element has several advantages:

  1. Flexibility:
    is a ⁣versatile ⁤element that can be used in a variety of contexts.
  2. Easy to Use:
    is easy to⁣ use and understand, making it a popular ⁢choice among web developers.
  3. Cross-Browser Compatibility:
    is a standard HTML element that is supported by all modern web browsers.

Examples of⁢

Here are some examples of how

can be used:

  1. Header Section:


This is a header section

  1. Sidebar:


  • Link 1

  • Link 2

  • Link 3

  1. Product Listing:

Product 1


Product 2


Product Image



element‍ is a powerful and⁢ versatile HTML element⁤ that is essential​ for web development.‌ Its flexibility, ease of use, ⁣and cross-browser ⁤compatibility make it a⁣ popular choice among web developers. By understanding the ⁣uses and⁤ advantages of

, you can create more effective and efficient web ‍pages.

Keyword ‌Optimization

This article is optimized for the following keywords:

, HTML element, web development, ⁤layout, structure, styling, semantic meaning, JavaScript, dynamic content, ‍flexibility,‍ cross-browser compatibility.

I hope⁢ this article ⁢meets your requirements!

How does the `

` element contribute to web page layout and design?

Here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic of


The Power of

: Understanding the Div Element in HTML


element is one of the most widely used HTML elements in web development. It is a generic container element that is used to group together other HTML elements and apply styles, layouts, and behaviors to them. In this article, we will explore the role of the

element, its syntax, and how it is used in HTML web development.

What is the



element is a block-level element that is used to define a division or a section of an HTML document. It is a generic container element that can be used to wrap around other HTML elements, such as text, images, forms, and more. The

element is similar to the element, but it is a block-level element, which means it takes up the full width of its parent element and starts on a new line.

Syntax of the


The syntax of the

element is simple:



element requires a closing tag, and it can contain any type of HTML content, including text, images, and other HTML elements.

Role of the

Element in HTML Web Development


element plays a crucial role in HTML web development. Here are some of the ways it is used:

Grouping Elements: The

element is used to group together other HTML elements, making it easier to style, layout, and manipulate them as a single unit.

Applying Styles: The

element is used to apply CSS styles to a group of HTML elements. By applying styles to the

element, you can style all the elements inside it.

Creating Layouts: The

element is used to create complex layouts in HTML web development. By using multiple

elements, you can create rows, columns, and other layouts.

Semantic Meaning: The

element does not have any semantic meaning, but it can be used to add semantic meaning to a group of HTML elements. For example, you can use a

element to group together a header, navigation, and content areas.

Examples of Using the


Here are some examples of using the

element in HTML web development:

Header Section: You can use a

element to group together the elements of a header section, such as a logo, navigation, and title.

Content Section: You can use a

element to group together the elements of a content section, such as a heading, paragraph, and image.

Our Services

We offer a range of services, including web development, SEO, and more.


* Footer Section: You can use a

element to group together the elements of a footer section, such as copyright information, social media links, and a contact form.




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